Basically I need to return some data from a SQL Server table in the following XML format:
<entity name="Person.Contact">
<field name="FirstName">Gustavo</field开发者_运维百科>
<field name="LastName">Achong</field>
<field name="FirstName">Catherine</field>
<field name="LastName">Abel</field>
I have come up with the following SQL statement:
select 'Person.Contact' as "@name",
(select FirstName, LastName from Person.Contact for XML path('row'), TYPE)
for XML path('entity'), root('querydata')
Which produces this output:
<entity name="Person.Contact">
But I have gotten no further. Thanks!
You need to unpivot your data.
Try using a subquery along the lines of:
SELECT 'FirstName' as [@name], FirstName as [*]
union all
SELECT 'LastName' as [@name], LastName as [*]
for xml path('field')
Or something along these lines...
I don't have SQL with me (on my iPhone today), but I'm thinking about:
select 'Person.Contact' as "@name",
(select (SELECT 'FirstName' as [@name], FirstName as [*]
union all
SELECT 'LastName' as [@name], LastName as [*]
for xml path('field')) from Person.Contact for XML path('row'), TYPE)
for XML path('entity'), root('querydata')
Thank you very much Rob! You definitely got me on the right track, +1 for you! I had to wrap everything in a SELECT * FROM statement, otherwise SQL server complains. Here is the final working query:
SELECT 'Person.Contact' as "@name",
(SELECT * from (SELECT 'FirstName' as [@name], [FirstName] as [*]
union all
SELECT 'LastName' as [@name], [LastName] as [*]) y
for xml path('field'), TYPE)
from Person.Contact for XML path, TYPE)
for XML path('entity'), root('querydata')