I'm looking for some blog that talks about ruby and rails.
Any tips?
There's also PlanetRubyOnRails:
which is an aggregator of many ruby (and ruby on rails) blogs (you can find the list here, and eventually select just those you like and add them to your own feed reader)
I think that Ryan's Scraps is a very useful rails blog.
Both are good at summing interesting stuff up, got most of the people I follow on a regular basis from there. :)
Ruby Best Practices has lots of good general ruby advice, while Yehuda Katz seems able to not only be extremely productive developing bundler, rails 3 and more, but also write good articles about them.
Other blogs I read not already mentioned include Ryan Tomayko, Pratik Naik and Pivotal Blabs, not to mention my own small corner of the web.
Railscasts - free RoR screencasts.