alot of time in programming the value of variables are passed through url parameters, in php;
if (isset($_GET['var'])) 开发者_如何学Go{$var = $_GET['var'];}
But if that does not execute, we will have an unset variable, in which may cause errors in the remaining of the code, i usually set the variable to '' or false;
else {$var = '';}
I was wondering what are the best practices, and why : )
thank you!
create a function
function get($name, $default = "") {
return isset($_GET[$name]) ? $_GET[$name] : $default;
I favour using the ?: ternary operator
$var = isset($_GET['var'])) ? $_GET['var'] : 0;
but you can often combine this with code to sanitize your inputs too, e.g. if you're expecting a purely numeric argument:
$var = isset($_GET['var'])) ? intval($_GET['var']) : 0;