I would like to create form with text_fields
I have Post (TITLE, CONT开发者_开发百科ENT) and Tag (TAGS) model. TAGS is a single text field. What do I have to do to save TAGS to Tag model. Let say I write 'banana, juice, new tag' in the TAGS field, how can this be parsed into array and then save in the Tag model.
Use a setter method in your model to do it.
Your view would look like this:
<% form_for @post :url => { :action => "update" } do |post_form| %>
Title: <%= post_form.text_field :title %>
Content: <%= post_form.text_field :content %>
Tags: <%= post_form.text_field :tag_field %>
<% end %>
And then in your model you would have a model such as this:
def tag_field=(field_data)
field_data.split.each { |tag| tags.build(:name => tag) }
Edit: As has been mentioned, there are plugins which do this for you, acts_as_taggable_on_steroids is a horribly named, but very effective option.
Have you seen http://github.com/jviney/acts_as_taggable_on_steroids/ This should make life much easier for you.
Ryan Bates has a screencast on implementing tags via a virtual attribute.