
How to pass parameter to a webservice using ksoap2?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-17 10:45 出处:网络
I\'m using Eclipse IDE to develop an android app. I\'m trying to connect to a .net webservice.I\'m using ksoap2 version 2.3

I'm using Eclipse IDE to develop an android app. I'm trying to connect to a .net webservice. I'm using ksoap2 version 2.3

When I'm calling a webmethod with no parameters, it works fine. When I come to pass a parameter to the webmethod, I get null (while debugging the webservice I discovered that) and I get a null from the webmethod in the client side code.


package com.examples.hello;
import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope;
import org.ksoap2.transport.HttpTransportSE;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class HelloActivity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
 private static final String SOAP_ACTION = "http://Innovation/HRService/stringBs";

 private static final String METHOD开发者_高级运维_NAME = "stringBs";

 private static final String NAMESPACE = "http://Innovation/HRService/";
 private static final String URL = "";
 TextView tv;

 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


 public void call()
         try {

          SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
          //PropertyInfo PI = new PropertyInfo();

             //request.addProperty("a", "myprop");

             SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);

             envelope.encodingStyle = SoapSerializationEnvelope.XSD;

             HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);

             androidHttpTransport.call(SOAP_ACTION, envelope);

             Object result = (Object)envelope.getResponse();

             String results = result.toString();
             tv.setText( ""+results); 
         } catch (Exception e) {


Why do I get the null response, how do I pass a parameter to a webservice using ksoap2?

Instead of

    request.addProperty("a", "myprop"); 

try using

    request.addProperty("arg0", "myprop");         

I'm not an expect on ksoap2 but i'm pretty sure this sets the value of the first parameter to your web service function. Has worked perfectly for me.

Calling webservice by passing parameters from j2me

SoapObject request = new SoapObject("http://www.webserviceX.NET", "GetCitiesByCountry");
String soapAction = "http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetCitiesByCountry";

request.addProperty("CountryName", "india");
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.bodyOut = request;
envelope.dotNet = true;

HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport("http://www.webservicex.net/globalweather.asmx");
ht.debug = true;
//System.err.println( ht.requestDump );

System.out.println("####################: " +envelope.getResponse());
//SoapObject result = (SoapObject)envelope.getResponse();

I have been working with this for 2 days now and i finally got the solution. I submit my complete code and hope this will help. It Can pass Parameters and get response.

Inside the WebService file in .net C#:

[WebService(Namespace = "http://something/webservice/v1")]

public DateTime[] Function(Guid organizationId, Guid categoryId)
        return ...;

Inside the Android code:

private final static String URL = "http://something/WebServices/WebService.asmx";
private final static String NAMESPACE = "http://something/webservice/v1";

public ArrayList<Object> getSoapObject(String METHOD_NAME, String SOAP_ACTION, Map<String, String> parameters){

try {

        ArrayList<Object> sol = new ArrayList<Object>();
        SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);

        if(parameters != null){
            for (Entry<String, String> para : parameters.entrySet()) {
                request.addProperty(para.getKey(), para.getValue());

        SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);

        Log.d("Body", envelope.bodyOut.toString());

        HttpTransportSE androidHttpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);
        androidHttpTransport.call(SOAP_ACTION, envelope);
        SoapObject result=(SoapObject)envelope.getResponse();

            for(int i = 0; i < result.getPropertyCount(); i++){

            return sol;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    public void getMenuEndDate(String orgId, String categoryId){

        Date startDate = null;
        Date endDate = null;

        HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
        parameters.put("organizationId", orgId);
        parameters.put("categoryId", categoryId);

        ArrayList<Object> sol = getSoapObject("Function", "http://something/webservice/v1/Function", parameters);

        SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        try {
            startDate = (Date)dateFormatter.parse(sol.get(0).toString());
            endDate = (Date)dateFormatter.parse(sol.get(1).toString());
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Exception i Date-Formatering");


Things to check:

  • Are the parameters named exactly the same as what is expected in the Web Service?
  • Check if you use Trailing "/" for the Namespace. Have the same in you application.

Try commenting out the line:


I did the same thing you did and when I read about this property being a really ugly hack, I commented it out for testing purposes and my parameter got passed correctly.

You will have to declare parameter type in client code:

SoapObject request = new SoapObject("http://tempuri.org/", "mymethod"); 
PropertyInfo p = new PropertyInfo();

In here Problem With the Order of Codes You Wrote, Don't Worry Try this, It's Worked for me.

private class ConversionAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void> {
    private SoapPrimitive response;
    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {

        SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD);

        SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);

        soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;
        soapEnvelope.implicitTypes = true;

        try {
            HttpTransportSE aht = new HttpTransportSE(URL);
            aht.call(SOAP_ACTION, soapEnvelope);

            response = (SoapPrimitive) soapEnvelope.getResponse();

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
        temperatureTxt.setText("Status: " + response);


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