
Python elegant inverse function of int(string,base)

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-17 10:31 出处:网络
Python allows conversions from string to integer using any base in the range [2,36] using: int(string,base)

Python allows conversions from string to integer using any base in the range [2,36] using:


I am looking for an elegant inverse function that takes an integer and a base and returns a string.

For example:

>>> str_base(224,15)

I came up with the following solution:

def digit_to_char(digit):
    if digit < 10: return chr(ord('0') + digit)
    else: return chr(ord('a') + digit - 10)

def str_base(number,base):
    if number < 0:
        return '-' + str_base(-number,base)
        (d,m) = divmod(number,base)
        if d:
            return str_base(d,base) + digit_to_char(m)
            return digit_to_开发者_运维知识库char(m)

Note: digit_to_char() works for bases <= 169 arbitrarily using ASCII characters after z as digits for bases above 36.

Is there a Python built‑in, library function, or a more elegant inverse function of int(string,base)?

Maybe this shouldn't be an answer, but it could be helpful for some: the built-in format function does convert numbers to string in a few bases:

>>> format(255, 'b') # base 2
>>> format(255, 'd') # base 10
>>> format(255, 'o') # base 8
>>> format(255, 'x') # base 16

If you use Numpy, there is numpy.base_repr.

You can read the code under numpy/core/numeric.py. Short and elegant

This thread has some example implementations.

Actually I think your solution looks rather nice, it's even recursive which is somehow pleasing here.

I'd still simplify it to remove the else, but that's probably a personal style thing. I think if foo: return is very clear, and doesn't need an else after it to make it clear it's a separate branch.

def digit_to_char(digit):
    if digit < 10:
        return str(digit)
    return chr(ord('a') + digit - 10)

def str_base(number,base):
    if number < 0:
        return '-' + str_base(-number, base)
    (d, m) = divmod(number, base)
    if d > 0:
        return str_base(d, base) + digit_to_char(m)
    return digit_to_char(m)

I simplified the 0-9 case in digit_to_char(), I think str() is clearer than the chr(ord()) construct. To maximize the symmetry with the >= 10 case an ord() could be factored out, but I didn't bother since it would add a line and brevity felt better. :)

The above answers are really nice. It helped me a lot to prototype an algortithm I had to implement in C

I'd like to come up with a little change (I used) to convert decimal to a base of symbolspace

I also ignored negativ values just for shortness and the fact that's mathematical incorrect --> other rules for modular arithmetics --> other math if you use binary, oct or hex --> diff in unsigned & signed values

def str_base(number, base):
   (d,m) = divmod(number,len(base))
   if d > 0:
      return str_base(d,base)+base[m]
   return base[m]

that lead's to following output

>>> str_base(13,'01')
>>> str_base(255,'01')
>>> str_base(255,'01234567')
>>> str_base(255,'0123456789')
>>> str_base(255,'0123456789abcdef')
>>> str_base(1399871903,'_helowrd')

if you want to padd with the propper zero symbol you can use

symbol_space = 'abcdest'

>>> str_base(734,symbol_space).rjust(0,symbol_space[0])
>>> str_base(734,symbol_space).rjust(6,symbol_space[0])

review this.

def int2str(num, base=16, sbl=None):
    if not sbl:
        sbl = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    if len(sbl) < 2:
        raise ValueError, 'size of symbols should be >= 2'
    if base < 2 or base > len(sbl):
        raise ValueError, 'base must be in range 2-%d' % (len(sbl))

    neg = False
    if num < 0:
        neg = True
        num = -num

    num, rem = divmod(num, base)
    ret = ''
    while num:
        ret = sbl[rem] + ret
        num, rem = divmod(num, base)
    ret = ('-' if neg else '') + sbl[rem] + ret

    return ret

digit_to_char could be implemented like this:

def digit_to_char(digit):
    return (string.digits + string.lowercase)[digit]

I had once written my own function with the same goal but is now embarrassingly complicated.

from math import log, ceil, floor
from collections import deque
from itertools import repeat
from string import uppercase, digits
import re

__alphanumerals = (digits + uppercase)

class InvalidBaseError(ValueError): pass
class FloatConvertError(ValueError): pass
class IncorrectBaseError(ValueError): pass

def getbase(number, base=2, frombase = 10):
    if not frombase == 10:
        number = getvalue(number, frombase)
        #getvalue is also a personal function to replicate int(number, base)

    if 1 >= base or base >= len(__alphanumerals) or not floor(base) == base:
        raise InvalidBaseError("Invalid value: {} entered as base to convert
          to. \n{}".format(base,
        "Assert that the base to convert to is a decimal integer."))

    if isinstance(number, str):
            number = atof(number)
        except ValueError:
            #The first check of whether the base is 10 would have already corrected the number
            raise IncorrectBaseError("Incorrect base passed as base of number -> number: {} base: {}".format(number, frombase))
    #^ v was supporting float numbers incase number was the return of another operation
    if number > floor(number):
        raise FloatConvertError("The number to be converted must not be a float. {}".format(number))

    isNegative = False
    if number < 0:
        isNegative = True
        number = abs(number)

    logarithm = log(number, base) if number else 0 #get around number being zero easily

    ceiling = int(logarithm) + 1

    structure = deque(repeat(0, ceiling), maxlen = ceiling)

    while number:
        if number >= (base ** int(logarithm)):
            acceptable_digit = int(number / (base ** floor(logarithm)))
            structure.append(acceptable_digit if acceptable_digit < 10 else     __alphanumerals[acceptable_digit])
            number -= acceptable_digit * (base ** floor(logarithm))

        logarithm -= 1

    while structure[0] == 0:
        #the result needs trailing zeros

    return ("-" if isNegative and number else "") + reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, map(lambda a: str(a), structure))

I think though that the function strbase should only support bases >= 2 and <= 36 to prevent conflict with other tools in python such as int. Also, I think that only one case of alphabets should be used preferably uppercase again to prevent conflict with other functions like int since it will consider both "a" and "A" to be 10.

from string import uppercase

dig_to_chr = lambda num: str(num) if num < 10 else uppercase[num - 10]

def strbase(number, base):
    if not 2 <= base <= 36:
        raise ValueError("Base to convert to must be >= 2 and <= 36")

    if number < 0:
        return "-" + strbase(-number, base)

    d, m = divmod(number, base)
    if d:
        return strbase(d, base) + dig_to_chr(m)

    return dig_to_chr(m)

Looks like this might be my time to shine. Believe it or not, the following is some ported and modified Scratch code I wrote nearly three years ago to see just how quickly I could convert from denary to hexadecimal.

Simply put, it works by first taking an integer, base, and an optional accompanying string of numerals, then calculating each digit of the converted integer beginning with the least significant.

def int2base(num, base, abc="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
  if num < 0:
    return '-' + int2base(-num, base, abc)

    output = abc[num % base] # rightmost digit

    while num >= base:
      num //= base # move to next digit to the left
      output = abc[num % base] + output # this digit

    return output

On my own PC, this code was able to complete 10 million iterations using the input range, 0-9999, and base, 36, in consistently below 5 seconds. Using the same test, I have found this to be at least 4 seconds faster than any other answer so far.

>>> timeit.timeit(lambda: [int2base(n, 36) for n in range(10000)], number=1000)

Here is a recursive function:

def encode(nIn, nBase):
   n = nIn // nBase
   s = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[nIn % nBase]
   return encode(n, nBase) + s if n > 0 else s

n = 1577858399
s = encode(n, 36)
print(s == 'q3ezbz')

To summarise, what I could find at Stackoverflow, the shortest way is something as follows:

base = lambda integer, b, \ 
  numerals='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': \
  numerals[0] if integer == 0 \
  else \
  base(integer // b, b, numerals).lstrip(numerals[0]) \
  + numerals[integer % b]
>>> base(983779, 36)
>>> l337

But you have to pay for brevity — no error checking and also recursion overflow is possible.

P.S.: In the iPython interpreter, remove the \ line breaks that were added for clarity here. These may, however, remain in place in a Python script file.

Here's my solution:

def int2base(a, base, numerals="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
     baseit = lambda a=a, b=base: (not a) and numerals[0] or baseit(a-a%b,b*base)+numerals[a%b%(base-1) or (a%b) and (base-1)]
     return baseit()


In any base, every number is equal to a1+a2*base**2+a3*base**3.... The "mission" is to find all a's.

For every N=1,2,3..., the code is isolating the aN*base**N by "mouduling" by b for b=base**(N+1) which slice all a's bigger than N, and slicing all the a's that their serial is smaller than N by decreasing a every time the function is called by the current aN*base**N.

Base%(base-1)==1 therefore base**p%(base-1)==1 and therefore q*base^p%(base-1)==q with only one exception when q=base-1 which returns 0. To fix that, in case it returns 0, the function is checking is it 0 from the beginning.


In this sample, there is only one multiplication (instead of division) and some instances of modulus which take relatively small amounts of time.

numpy.base_repr is a quite good solution, however, in some cases, we want a fixed-length string with leading zeros.

def base_repr(x: int, base: int, length: int):
    from numpy import base_repr
    from math import log, ceil
    s = base_repr(x, base, length - ceil(log(x, base)))
    return s


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