If开发者_开发知识库 you go to the page www.winteradagency.com/mrw/revitalization.php you see that within the text of the document, which is being generated from a database, the apostrophes look like small boxes. How do I fix that?
The issue is character sets and encoding.
The following must have the same encoding:
- The database tables (and columns)
- Your database connection (SET NAMES....)
- Your HTML page
Seeing that your web page is output in UTF-8, either your database tables, or your database connection probably has the wrong encoding (most likely ISO-8859-1).
This is good basic reading on the issue: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Your encoding is broken. If you switch to ISO-8859-1 in your browser everything looks fine. Either make sure that your text editor saves files as utf-8 or change encoding in the meta tag to iso-8859-1.