I've written开发者_如何转开发 a videoplayer for Android based on Flash (10.2) which plays videostreams. In some cases (*), the player begins to buffer for quite some time.
Now, while the player is acually playing the stream, Flash (somehow) signals the OS to prevent entering the sleep-mode. But while buffering, this is not the case and the phone will eventually enter sleep mode before the stream has restarted. So the user has to unlock the phone again - not very convenient.
Is there a way to set a signal with Flash/AS3 to prevent the Andoid-phone to go into sleep mode?
(*) mostly over the mobile network when the network access performes a handover between 3G and 2G or vice versa
just use
// no dimming
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.systemIdleMode = SystemIdleMode.KEEP_AWAKE;
in your mxml or as file.