Does a refresh fast on commit union all materialized view (in Oracle) copy all the underlying data, or does it just have a reference to it?
If this materialized view does copy all the data is there anyway to do the following:
create table3 as ( table1 union all table2 );
So that I can create indexes and materialized view logs on table3, and table 3 is just a reference to table 1 and table 2.
The reason for this is I want put the following in a materialized view:
create materialized view mat1
refresh fast on commit
select data, count(*)
from (table1 union all table2)
group by data
But the above isn't fast refreshable.
But the following sort of thing works:
create materialized view mat1
refresh fast on commit
select data from table1
union all
select data from table2
create materialized view mat2
refresh fast on commit
select data, count(*)
from mat2
group by data
But I'm concerned the first materialized view is unnecessarily replicating all the data.
A materialized view does exactly that - it "materializes" the data by creating a table containing the data defined by the query. You can demonstrate this by dropping the materialized view but preserving the contents as a table:
Which keeps a table named xxx that is no longer refreshed. So, your mat1 view does indeed duplicate all the data in both tables.
Think about it - if it just "referenced" the union, then it would be a regular view, no? You can't have your cake and eat it too in this case.
You cannot have a fast refresh on a complex materialized view. Aggregate functions such as COUNT are one of the things that cause a view to be complex. According to the docs, so does a UNION ALL, so I'm surprised your mat1 view is fast refreshable.
Yes - it duplicates all data, otherwise it would be view with no need for any refreshing...
not sure but you could try:
create materialized view mat1
refresh fast on commit
select data, sum (c) from
select 1 x, data, count(*) c from table1 group by 1, data
select 2, data, count(*) from table1 group by 2, data
) group by data