Just getting a feel for CouchDB and hitting a few misunderstanding.
I can list the records from a view with (thanks to a previous responder)
I have amended my view to include _attachments, but that does not appear to be showing the _attachments, which are jpeg files.
function(doc) {
if(doc.SignMark && doc.Details) {
emit(doc.SignMark, doc.Details, doc._attachments);
I have obviously missed some simple concept
Thanks - mcl
From within a view you cannot access the attachments themselves. You can only the metadata which is stored in the doc._attachments.
So depending on your requirements, you will have to access the actual attachment with a second request of the format /db/doc-id/attachment-name.jpg
or, if you are rendering to html, just construct an image tag with the src='/db/doc-id/attachment-name.jpg'
Emit always takes two parameters: key and value. Each can be an object. So this would work:
function(doc) {
if(doc.SignMark && doc.Details) {
emit(doc.SignMark, [doc.Details, doc._attachments]);
But you can construct arbitrary keys and values to emit, and you can also emit multiple or no values at all for each document.
The excellent CouchDB Book helped me a lot! This is the relevant chapter for views: http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/views.html