I'm having a problem with sprintf()
, using it to store a mysql query into a var to use it later.
just to inform, I'm using adodb library for database related operations.
being $value=25.5
and $id=5
for exampl开发者_如何学运维e, i have something like
$value = number_format($baseValue, 2, ".", "");
$query = sprintf("Insert into table_name (id, value) values (%d, $.02f)", $id, $value);
there's a condition before this that decides if there is another $query being made before this one. if that first query doesn't run this one runs ok being the query
Insert into table_name (id, value) values (5, 25.50)
but if the first query runs then i get an error on this one because the query turns out as
Insert into table_name (id, value) values (5, 25,50)
i tried to print $value
just right before the sprintf()
and it still has the right format, why on earth is this happening and how do i solve it?
Edit: $value isn't even used or changed until this moment
You are basically doing a equivalent number to string conversion twice, first with number_format()
and then with printf()
and the %f
modifier. Replacing $.02f
with %s
should be enough.
The reason why printf()
is not generating a valid English format number is because it's using the regional settings (see setlocale() for further info). Given that SQL expects a fixed format, it's more reliable to use number_format()
Update: The ADOdb library seems to support prepared statemens. They are normally a simpler and more robust mechanism than injecting values into your SQL code:
$rs = $DB->Execute("select * from table where key=?",array($key));
while (!$rs->EOF) {
Stick some single quotes around your values. The 25,50
will be interpreted as two fields, for a start (and I'm pretty sure mySQL won't like 25.50 without quotes either.
$query = sprintf("Insert into table_name (id, value) values ('%d', '$.02f')", $id, $value);
Will result in:
Insert into table_name (id, value) values ('5', '25.50')