So I have table, and I want to have users be able to view the table in whichever order they'd like. Here's an example:
class Thing(Base):
__tablename__ = 'thing'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
amount = Column(Integer)
date = Column(DateTime,
def __init__(self开发者_如何学Go, amount):
self.amount = amount
So I'd like to make the following query:
if sort == 'amount':
orderby = Thing.amount.desc()
elif sort == 'date':
orderby =
things = DBSession.query(Thing).order_by(orderby).all()
Main questions:
- When I set the orderby statement, am I actually calling anything or is the statement just being set?
- Am I doing this correctly and efficiently?
Can I do this similarly with filters?
filterby = Thing.amount == 5
things = DBSession.query(Thing).filter_by(filterby).all()
Ans 1: When you are giving any syntax what exactly it will return you can check with type of that syntax like
When you write
In [5]: Thing.amount.desc()
Out[5]: <sqlalchemy.sql.expression._UnaryExpression object at 0x199a5d0>
It will create one object of type expression._UnaryExpression. So this expression you can give to sqlalchemy when we want unary operation. Now when you print it In [6]: a = Thing.amount.desc()
In [7]: print a
thing.amount DESC
So when query run it will be converted in thing.amount DESC
. So when you create expression it will not call any thing, it will just create structure of query.
Ans: 2
When you are creating query it will create object which is needed. For filter and order by it need expression so if you pass directly to the order_by
or filter
then it will create object for the same internally. So you can use both way.
Ans: 3
In [8]: Thing.amount == 5
Out[8]: <sqlalchemy.sql.expression._BinaryExpression object at 0x1a1dbd0>
This is also a expression so you can give expression to filter_by.
You will get more idea about expression from sqlalchemy site.