I am having the ListAllUsers . User having propeorty id(as Guid),na开发者_开发百科me(as String),address(as String). I am having another List ids of users id which are selected from ui. I want to get List selectedUsers, where ids from AllUsers. I am trying to fetch it by LINQ. can i do this by single statement , without multiple itterations? how?
If I understand your question correctly, you can do something like:
var selectedUsers = allUsers.Where(user => selectedUserIds.Contains(user.Id));
Another possible approach is:
var selectedUsers = selectedUserIds.Select(id => allUsers.First(user => user.id == id))
This will throw an exception if one of the selectedUserIds doesn't map to a user which might be what you want. The method by Frédéric will silently swallow.