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Better way of converting a Map[K, Option[V]] to a Map[K,V]
I have a Map[Symbol, Option[String]]
from reading values from a web page, where some might be missing.
I'd like to 'flatten' this to Map[Symbol, String]
removing all the None
The best I can do so far is
def removeNones[K, V](map: Map[K, Option[V]]): Map[K, V] =
map.collect { case kv if kv._2.isDefined => (kv._1, kv._2.get) }
but I really don't like the case
, and having to rebuild the Pair
Can anyone find a nicer expression?
val m = Map('a -> Some("a string"), 'b -> None)
m collect {case(a, Some(b)) => (a, b)}
// Map('a -> a string)
seems to do the trick.
I think more elegant way will be like this:
val map1 = Map('a -> Some("a"), 'b -> None)
val map2 = for ((k: Symbol, Some(v)) <- map1) yield (k,v)
Let's print the result:
Predef println map2
> Map('a -> a)