Let's say I have a vector value[6:0]
and an input vector input[3:0]
. The problem is I want to set a number of bit in value vector to 1 base on value of input, e.g.:
input = 0011
(3 in dec) then value = 000111
(set 3 bits to 1
input = 0101
(5 in dec) then value = 011111
(set 5 bits to 1
As we ca开发者_运维知识库n do this easy only when the value in constant, but here it is run-time change. Any ideas on solve this?
There's no need to select a range here.
wire [3:0] input;
wire [7:0] shifted;
wire [6:0] value; //This can only hold 0 to 7
//Assign 2^input then subtract 1
assign shifted = 1'b1 << input;
assign value = shifted - 1;
This could be as simple as this:
wire [3:0] input;
wire [31:0] constant_value = 32'h0000_FFFF;
wire [15:0] output;
assign output = constant_value[ input +: 16 ];
Note "+:" range selection.