iam passing a textbox value(the value is 10:1:1) into a string and when iam running the application iam getting the following error "coversion from string "10:1:1" to double type is invalid". kindly find the code below and help me on the same: (also the textbox values should be greater than 0 always)开发者_Python百科
Dim strEncrypt As String = txtData.Text
If strEncrypt > 0 Then // I am getting the error here
txtEncryptedData.Text = Encrypt(strEncrypt)
"Enter the Value greater then 0:")
End If
Thanks, Rams
I believe you want this...
If strEncrypt.Length > 0 Then
Maybe you want:
Function Check(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
Dim parts As String()
parts = s.Split(":")
If parts.Length = 0 Then
Check = False
Check = True
For Each sval As String In parts
Check = Check And Int32.Parse(sval) > 0
End If
End Function
so you can use it like Check(txtData.Text)