I have the following Velocity template in JIRA (note, extra lines kept in):
NOTE: Please REPLY-TO this email when replying to this issue.
#if($comment.getId())[ ${baseurl}/browse/${issue.getKey()} ] #end ##?page=${tabpanel-comment}&focusedCommentId=${comment.getId()}#action_${comment.getId()} ] #end
$i18n.getText("template.issue.commented.on", $remoteUser.fullName, $issue.getKey())
There is no line following that last line. When do I this on the very last line:
I get the following error:
An error occurred whilst rendering this message. Please contact the administrators, and inform them of this bug.
org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException: Lexical error:
Lexical error at line 20, column 51. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
at org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine.evaluate(VelocityEngine.java:272)
at org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine.evaluate(VelocityEngine.java:202)
I found the following issue from 2004:
Which seems to suggest this was 开发者_运维百科a bug fixed in 1.5. Checking in my JIRA System Info, I see that JIRA 4.2.1 appears to suggest version 1.6 is in use:
Atlassian Template Renderer Velocity 1.6 Plugin - 1.1.1
When I move the line starting #if($comment.getId())
to the end, the error goes away. Am I doing something wrong here at the end of the template, or is this a bug?
Hmm. When I did this:
#if($comment.getId())[ ${baseurl}/browse/${issue.getKey()} ] #end ##?page=${tabpanel-comment}&focusedCommentId=${comment.getId()}#action_${comment.getId()} ] #end
As the last line, with no empty line following it, I got the same error. However, if I add a line after that line (just hit ENTER
once), it works.
Do Velocity template's require an ending space? I'm confused.
~/tech/atlassian/atlassian-jira-4.4.1-standalone $ find . -name "*velocity*.jar"
And no, they haven't; see this discussion from a few days ago..