Simple question, is it better to do
# application.html.haml
= render :partial => 'layouts/edit_user_sidebar' if params[:controller] in ['Users', 'some_other_controller']
= render :partial => 'layouts/default_sidebar' unless params[:controller] == 'Home'
- if params[:controller] == 'Home'
= yield
- else
= yield
Or put the renders in views. I think it will be more elegant but it will take a lot of time when I would have to edit it.
I think it is better to put it in the application page.
Then there is one central place to control the access rules.
Similar to fat model, thin controller, I try to keep the views the skinniest of all. The I focus my testing on models, attributes and model methods.
I also suspect you can use:
= render 'layouts/edit_sidebar' if (params[:controller] in ['Users', 'other_controller'])
= render 'layouts/default_sidebar' unless params[:controller] == 'Home'
For a little DRYness.