Is there an easy way to get the correct format for an iCal DTSTART using php date?
I need the format to look like: 20111008T110000 or 20111008 (that one is easy) if I don't have any time.
Does PHP date have a quick way to do this, specifically one that adds the time or removes it when needed?
There isn't any native PHP function or date format that I'm aware of, so you'll need to create your own function. Something like this:
function getIcalDate($time, $inclTime = true)
return date('Ymd' . ($inclTime ? '\THis' : ''), $time);
As hakre pointed out in a comment, the date formatter can't distinguish between a date with time and a date without time - you'll have to decide the logic behind that.
date('Ymd\THis', time())
You can replace time()
with your own timestamp.
This is might be you are looking for link and this also can help you.
mktime function to make timestamp as you want including time or only date to it.