I'm making a web app that lets people add courses to a shopping cart. I have a Cart model that has_many LineItems.
In the cart, I have an ajaxified button that lets people remove individual line items. This works fine. Here's the code for that:
<div class="delete_line_item"><%= button_to 'Delete', line_item,
{:method => :delete, :remote => true} %></div>
The line_items controller:
def destroy
@user = current_user
@cart = @user.cart
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(root_path) }
format.xml { head :ok }
Then, the destroy.js.erb file, located within my views/line_items folder:
$("#cart").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(@cart)) %>");
I want to do something similar for emptying out the cart. To do this, I'm using the update action in the carts controller. Here are the corresponding code chunks for this:
<div class="empty_cart"><%= button_to 'Empty cart', cart, {:method => :put, :remote => true,
:confirm => 'Are you sure?'} %></div>
#carts controller
def update
if @cart.line_items
@cart.line_items.each do |item|
respond_to do |format|
if @cart.update_attributes(params[:cart])
format.html { redirect_to(root_path, :notice 开发者_运维知识库=> 'Cart emptied.') }
format.xml { head :ok }
Finally, here's the update.js.erb file I've placed within my views/carts folder:
$("#cart").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(@cart)) %>");
The problem is that when I try to empty the cart, the request goes through (in that when I refresh the page, the cart is empty), but the change doesn't appear immediately upon clicking. This makes me think that my browser is simply not rendering the .js.erb file. Do I need to place the update.js.erb file in a different folder or rename it? Or something else going on?
Instead of using the update action, why don't you just use the destroy action for the cart instead of using the update? That's what I did, and it worked.