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Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this questionAre there any open source web browsers implemented in Ruby? If not, are there any Ruby bindings, preferably cross-platform and actively maintained, to open source rendering engines such as Gecko and/or Webkit? My google searches aren't revealing much, so I'm asking here in case somebody who is more in the know as to the Ruby eco-system, since I've only been dabbling with it the past couple of months.
EDIT: In response to question as to whether browser should be headless or not, I would say not. What I'm trying to develop is a desktop ebook reader that supports Javascript, where I can launch a web server on the desktop, then point this browser at it to serve as the UI for the application. Actually I've made much progress toward this with another language (Tcl) and an open source browser written in Tcl (Hv3), but am interested in porting to Ruby for visibility purposes.
Bindings to web rendering components are usually in the scope of GUI toolkits. There's Gtk MozEmbed, several bindings to Gtk WebKit, and QtRuby should also have access to QtWebKit.