So lets say that I am in viewcontroller, C and I want to transition to viewcontroller D (which is voteView here). So here's what I did:
VoteViewController * voteView = [[VoteViewController alloc] init];
voteView.voteInfo = [array objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray * viewControllers = [self.navigationController viewControllers];
if ([[viewControllers objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[ListViewController class]]){
} else if ([[viewControllers objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[SpotListingViewController class]]){
[self.navigationController setViewControllers:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[viewControllers objectAtIndex:0], [viewControllers objectAtIndex:1], voteView, nil]];
[voteView release];
Running the code above, it prints LIST VIEW, which means that the RootViewController is a ListViewController. Now theoritically at VoteViewController when I do as below:
if ([[viewControllers objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[ListViewController class]]){
it should print LIST VIEW, however it doesn't. Why is this? I also checked the count of the view controller and it's only 2. Why is it different?
If your ask is to transition to View Controller D (or voteView
), you should be doing-
[self.navigationController pushViewController:voteView animated:YES];
Related to your question, when you call setViewControllers:
and access object at index 1, have you ensured that the array has two objects? In which method of voteView
did you put the NSLog