I’m having an issue with an update form. It’s a ‘client details’ form where the fields are pre-populated with the data from the DB.
Basically, the form only updates if you modify a text field, i.e. the text field submitted is a different value from before. If you don’t do this, e.g. not change anything or merely select a checkbox the form sends the variables to the model but the model doesn’t seem to execute the sql.
After testing, I know the form is sending the data, and I know the model is receiving it. It’s just that it doesn’t seem to execute the query at all. affected_rows() is zero and it returns no errors.
It’s as if CI checks cross checks the fields before executing the SQL.
But if you modify a text field it all works swimmingly-well.
My code is massive so I’ll post a summary:
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
//load views etc
$title = $this->input->post('title');
$forename = $this->input->post('forename');
$update_sql = $this->Clients_model->update_client(
$this->session->set_flashdata('msg', $update_sql);
redirect('/clients', 'refresh');
function update_client($title,
$this->sql = 'UPDATE client
title = ?,
forename = ?,
surname = ?,
dob = ?,
email = ?,
address1 = ?,
address2 = ?,
town = ?,
county_state_id = ?,
address_code = ?,
country_id = ?,
alt_address1 = ?,
alt_address2 = ?,
alt_town = ?,
alt_county_state_id = ?,
alt_address_code = ?,
alt_country_id = ?,
use_alt_address = ?,
phone_land = ?,
phone_mobile = ?,
status = ?
client_id = ?
$this->query = $this->db->query($this->sql, array(
if ( $this->db->affected_rows() == 1)
Many thanks!
Everything looks fine, and I never had such problems using CI...Have you tried using Active Record, just as experiment? Here I used a simpler version that doesn't pass all the params to the function but just the whole post array; in this way, you don't risk skipping or doubling some param!
$update_sql = $this->Clients_model->update_client($this->input->post());
function update_client($post)
return 'error in passing POST data';
$fields = array ('title' => $post['title'], 'forename' => $post['forname'], ....);
$client_id = $post['client_id'];