It seems silly to write the following:
L = []
if x in L:
L[x] = something
L[x] = something_else
Doesn't this perform the look-up for x twice? I tried using index(), but th开发者_运维技巧is gives an error when the value is not found.
Ideally I would like to say like:
if x is in L, save that index and:
I can appreciate that this might be a beginner python idiom, but it seems rather un-search-able. Thanks.
Another option is try/except:
d = {}
d[x] = something_else
except KeyError:
d[x] = something
Same result as your code.
Edit: Okay, fast moving target. Same idiom for a list, different exception (IndexError).
Do you mean you want setdefault(key[, default])
a = {}
a['foo'] # KeyError
a.setdefault('foo', 'bar') # key not exist, set a['foo'] = 'bar'
a.setdefault('foo', 'x') # key exist, return 'bar'
If you have a list you can use index
, catching the ValueError
if it is thrown:
yourList = []
i = yourList.index(x)
except ValueError:
i = None
Then you can test the value of i:
if i is not None:
# Do things if the item was found.
I think your question confused many because you've mixed your syntax between dict and list. If:
L = [] # L is synonym for list and [] (braces) used to create list()
Here you are looking for a value in a list, not a key nor a value in a dict:
if x in L:
And then you use x seemingly intended as a key but in lists it's an int() index and doing if x in L:
doesn't test to see if index is in L but if value is in L:
So if you intend to see if a value is in L
a list do:
L = [] # that's a list and empty; and x will NEVER be in an empty list.
if x in L: # that looks for value in list; not index in list
# to test for an index in a list do if len(L)>=x
idx = L.index(x)
L[idx] = something # that makes L[index]=value not L[key]=value
# x is not in L so you either append it or append something_else
If you use:
L[x] = something
together with if x in L:
then it would make sense to have a list with only these values: L=[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]
OR L=[ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...]
But I'd offer this:
L = []
coder0 = 'farr'
coder1 = 'Mark Byers'
if coder0 not in L:
Weird logic