I want to change a specific record in the database using codeigniter. The url should be like this mysite.com/users/edit/10
Here the user having id=10 is being edited
user开发者_开发问答s is the controller name and edit is a method.
Usually I do in this way
//code of the rest of controller
function edit(){
$uid =$_REQUEST['uid'];
//database update code
Where a form is being posted deliberately to change the record
You're not clear at all on what you want, I just can give you some pointers. In CI, you don't need (don't have to) use superglobals to access url parameters. It has a native system to manage uri segments, which became automatically accessible without the need to call them; they're available as arguments of the method you're accessing.
So, in a url like yours, mysite.com/users/edit/10
, you'll have
class Users extends CI_Controller {
public function edit($uid)
// $uid is automatically passed to this method and is already available
// here you do your operations
//for. ex.
class User_model extends CI_Model {
function __construct()
function update_user($id)
$fields = array('field1' => 'value1','field2' => 'value2'...);
If you provide further information I could expand my answer.