I am having a Graphics application using GL API written in c++ and using openGL compiler to compile it.
i am looking ways how can i profile the application along with compiler ( i am having access to compiler code too which i can change for my usage and is in C++).
i am mainly looking for ways i can profile related to compilation , how much time it was taken by compiler functions while compiling C++ application.
i had tried using timer API but if there is some p开发者_运维问答rofiling tool like gprof in android which i can use it will be easy for me.
i read about Traveview but i think its meant for mainly java application.
any suggestion will be highly use to me.
If you want to make your app run faster, and you have source code and can run it under a debugger, you can use this technique.
If you want the compiler to run faster, and you have source code and can run it under a debugger, you can use the same technique.
If you had gprof, you could use it, but you would be disappointed, for these reasons.