In my hello world program on tomcat i am not able to forward my reques开发者_运维知识库t from servlet to jsp page.Here are my locations:-
servlet location is webapps\hello\WEB-INF\classes\test
Location of jsp page(RequestObjectInJSP) is webapps\hello
My code to forward the request is
req.getRequestDispatcher("RequestObjectInJSP").forward(req, res);
But it gives the error The requested resource (/hello/RequestObjectInJSP) is not available.
Not sure what i am missing here?
Question2:- similarily if i try to forward the request from one servlet to another servlet(both lying under same folder) does not work .Below is the code snippet
req.getRequestDispatcher("servlet2").forward(req, res);
If i give the mapping of servlet2 in web.xml then it starts working.As per my understanding if we forward the request from one servlet to another and both lying under webinf/classes folder it should work without giving the sevlet 2 mapping in web.xml. Right?
Your JSP file is missing the JSP extension. Add it and fix the path accordingly.
req.getRequestDispatcher("RequestObjectInJSP.jsp").forward(req, res);
As to your 2nd question, yes definitely you need to map the servlet on an URL pattern in order to be able to forward to the URL(!!) of the given servlet.