I was browsing SO and found this hosted code as a recommended way of cutting down on PHP code.
So far, from the methods that I have figured out how to use, I love what it does and how simple it makes things.
However, in the following code:
* Get a single record by creating a WHER开发者_运维知识库E clause by passing
* through a CI AR where() call
* @param string $key The key to search by
* @param string $val The value of that key
* @return object
public function get_by() {
$where =& func_get_args();
$row = $this->db->get($this->_table)
return $row;
I'm not exactly sure how to make a call to this function. The description of what it does is exactly what I want to do.
The @params say it takes in a key and value pair for the WHERE block but I don't see any function inputs in the method signature.
Help, please?
As I'm noticing with a lot of CI code, it's strange and maintenance un-friendly.
PHP functions can accept n or more arguments (where n is the number of arguments defined in the signature)
The code makes use of func_get_args()
which returns an array of arguments.
The array of arguments is then passed to the _set_where()
method which passes either one or two items to the db->where()
A more descriptive method signature would have been
public function get_by($key, $val = null)
For future reference, and like Phil mentioned, the *_by
methods pass the value through to the db->where
method. This means you can use it in a variety of methods:
$row = $this->model->get_by('key', $value);
Or using an array for multiple WHERE conditions:
$row = $this->model->get_by(array('key' => $value, 'other_key !=' => $value));
Or just the string (don't forget to escape your values!):
$row = $this->model->get_by('some_column = ' . $this->db->escape($value));
Since this question was asked, I've thoroughly updated the documentation so now it should all be a little clearer. Hope this helps.