
Find nth SET bit in an int

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 19:33 出处:网络
Instead of just the lowest set bit, I want to find the 开发者_如何学Cposition of the nth lowest set bit. (I\'m NOT talking about value on the nth bit position)

Instead of just the lowest set bit, I want to find the 开发者_如何学Cposition of the nth lowest set bit. (I'm NOT talking about value on the nth bit position)

For example, say I have:

0000 1101 1000 0100 1100 1000 1010 0000

And I want to find the 4th bit that is set. Then I want it to return:

0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000

If popcnt(v) < n, it would make sense if this function returned 0, but any behavior for this case is acceptable for me.

I'm looking for something faster than a loop if possible.

Nowadays this is very easy with PDEP from the BMI2 instruction set. Here is a 64-bit version with some examples:

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <x86intrin.h>

inline uint64_t nthset(uint64_t x, unsigned n) {
    return _pdep_u64(1ULL << n, x);

int main() {
    assert(nthset(0b0000'1101'1000'0100'1100'1000'1010'0000, 0) ==
    assert(nthset(0b0000'1101'1000'0100'1100'1000'1010'0000, 1) ==
    assert(nthset(0b0000'1101'1000'0100'1100'1000'1010'0000, 3) ==
    assert(nthset(0b0000'1101'1000'0100'1100'1000'1010'0000, 9) ==
    assert(nthset(0b0000'1101'1000'0100'1100'1000'1010'0000, 10) ==

If you just want the (zero-based) index of the nth set bit, add a trailing zero count.

inline unsigned nthset(uint64_t x, unsigned n) {
    return _tzcnt_u64(_pdep_u64(1ULL << n, x));

It turns out that it is indeed possible to do this with no loops. It is fastest to precompute the (at least) 8 bit version of this problem. Of course, these tables use up cache space, but there should still be a net speedup in virtually all modern pc scenarios. In this code, n=0 returns the least set bit, n=1 is second-to-least, etc.

Solution with __popcnt

There is a solution using the __popcnt intrinsic (you need __popcnt to be extremely fast or any perf gains over a simple loop solution will be moot. Fortunately most SSE4+ era processors support it).

// lookup table for sub-problem: 8-bit v
byte PRECOMP[256][8] = { .... } // PRECOMP[v][n] for v < 256 and n < 8

ulong nthSetBit(ulong v, ulong n) {
    ulong p = __popcnt(v & 0xFFFF);
    ulong shift = 0;
    if (p <= n) {
        v >>= 16;
        shift += 16;
        n -= p;
    p = __popcnt(v & 0xFF);
    if (p <= n) {
        shift += 8;
        v >>= 8;
        n -= p;

    if (n >= 8) return 0; // optional safety, in case n > # of set bits
    return PRECOMP[v & 0xFF][n] << shift;

This illustrates how the divide and conquer approach works.

General Solution

There is also a solution for "general" architectures- without __popcnt. It can be done by processing in 8-bit chunks. You need one more lookup table that tells you the popcnt of a byte:

byte PRECOMP[256][8] = { .... } // PRECOMP[v][n] for v<256 and n < 8
byte POPCNT[256] = { ... } // POPCNT[v] is the number of set bits in v. (v < 256)

ulong nthSetBit(ulong v, ulong n) {
    ulong p = POPCNT[v & 0xFF];
    ulong shift = 0;
    if (p <= n) {
        n -= p;
        v >>= 8;
        shift += 8;
        p = POPCNT[v & 0xFF];
        if (p <= n) {
            n -= p;
            shift += 8;
            v >>= 8;
            p = POPCNT[v & 0xFF];
            if (p <= n) {
                n -= p;
                shift += 8;
                v >>= 8;

    if (n >= 8) return 0; // optional safety, in case n > # of set bits
    return PRECOMP[v & 0xFF][n] << shift;

This could, of course, be done with a loop, but the unrolled form is faster and the unusual form of the loop would make it unlikely that the compiler could automatically unroll it for you.

v-1 has a zero where v has its least significant "one" bit, while all more significant bits are the same. This leads to the following function:

int ffsn(unsigned int v, int n) {
   for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) {
      v &= v-1; // remove the least significant bit
   return v & ~(v-1); // extract the least significant bit

The version from bit-twiddling hacks adapted to this case is, for example,

unsigned int nth_bit_set(uint32_t value, unsigned int n)
    const uint32_t  pop2  = (value & 0x55555555u) + ((value >> 1) & 0x55555555u);
    const uint32_t  pop4  = (pop2  & 0x33333333u) + ((pop2  >> 2) & 0x33333333u);
    const uint32_t  pop8  = (pop4  & 0x0f0f0f0fu) + ((pop4  >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0fu);
    const uint32_t  pop16 = (pop8  & 0x00ff00ffu) + ((pop8  >> 8) & 0x00ff00ffu);
    const uint32_t  pop32 = (pop16 & 0x000000ffu) + ((pop16 >>16) & 0x000000ffu);
    unsigned int    rank  = 0;
    unsigned int    temp;

    if (n++ >= pop32)
        return 32;

    temp = pop16 & 0xffu;
    /* if (n > temp) { n -= temp; rank += 16; } */
    rank += ((temp - n) & 256) >> 4;
    n -= temp & ((temp - n) >> 8);

    temp = (pop8 >> rank) & 0xffu;
    /* if (n > temp) { n -= temp; rank += 8; } */
    rank += ((temp - n) & 256) >> 5;
    n -= temp & ((temp - n) >> 8);

    temp = (pop4 >> rank) & 0x0fu;
    /* if (n > temp) { n -= temp; rank += 4; } */
    rank += ((temp - n) & 256) >> 6;
    n -= temp & ((temp - n) >> 8);

    temp = (pop2 >> rank) & 0x03u;
    /* if (n > temp) { n -= temp; rank += 2; } */
    rank += ((temp - n) & 256) >> 7;
    n -= temp & ((temp - n) >> 8);

    temp = (value >> rank) & 0x01u;
    /* if (n > temp) rank += 1; */
    rank += ((temp - n) & 256) >> 8;

    return rank;

which, when compiled in a separate compilation unit, on gcc-5.4.0 using -Wall -O3 -march=native -mtune=native on Intel Core i5-4200u, yields

00400a40 <nth_bit_set>:
  400a40: 89 f9                   mov    %edi,%ecx
  400a42: 89 f8                   mov    %edi,%eax
  400a44: 55                      push   %rbp
  400a45: 40 0f b6 f6             movzbl %sil,%esi
  400a49: d1 e9                   shr    %ecx
  400a4b: 25 55 55 55 55          and    $0x55555555,%eax
  400a50: 53                      push   %rbx
  400a51: 81 e1 55 55 55 55       and    $0x55555555,%ecx
  400a57: 01 c1                   add    %eax,%ecx
  400a59: 41 89 c8                mov    %ecx,%r8d
  400a5c: 89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  400a5e: 41 c1 e8 02             shr    $0x2,%r8d
  400a62: 25 33 33 33 33          and    $0x33333333,%eax
  400a67: 41 81 e0 33 33 33 33    and    $0x33333333,%r8d
  400a6e: 41 01 c0                add    %eax,%r8d
  400a71: 45 89 c1                mov    %r8d,%r9d
  400a74: 44 89 c0                mov    %r8d,%eax
  400a77: 41 c1 e9 04             shr    $0x4,%r9d
  400a7b: 25 0f 0f 0f 0f          and    $0xf0f0f0f,%eax
  400a80: 41 81 e1 0f 0f 0f 0f    and    $0xf0f0f0f,%r9d
  400a87: 41 01 c1                add    %eax,%r9d
  400a8a: 44 89 c8                mov    %r9d,%eax
  400a8d: 44 89 ca                mov    %r9d,%edx
  400a90: c1 e8 08                shr    $0x8,%eax
  400a93: 81 e2 ff 00 ff 00       and    $0xff00ff,%edx
  400a99: 25 ff 00 ff 00          and    $0xff00ff,%eax
  400a9e: 01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax
  400aa0: 0f b6 d8                movzbl %al,%ebx
  400aa3: c1 e8 10                shr    $0x10,%eax
  400aa6: 0f b6 d0                movzbl %al,%edx
  400aa9: b8 20 00 00 00          mov    $0x20,%eax
  400aae: 01 da                   add    %ebx,%edx
  400ab0: 39 f2                   cmp    %esi,%edx
  400ab2: 77 0c                   ja     400ac0 <nth_bit_set+0x80>
  400ab4: 5b                      pop    %rbx
  400ab5: 5d                      pop    %rbp
  400ab6: c3                      retq   

  400ac0: 83 c6 01                add    $0x1,%esi
  400ac3: 89 dd                   mov    %ebx,%ebp
  400ac5: 29 f5                   sub    %esi,%ebp
  400ac7: 41 89 ea                mov    %ebp,%r10d
  400aca: c1 ed 08                shr    $0x8,%ebp
  400acd: 41 81 e2 00 01 00 00    and    $0x100,%r10d
  400ad4: 21 eb                   and    %ebp,%ebx
  400ad6: 41 c1 ea 04             shr    $0x4,%r10d
  400ada: 29 de                   sub    %ebx,%esi
  400adc: c4 42 2b f7 c9          shrx   %r10d,%r9d,%r9d
  400ae1: 41 0f b6 d9             movzbl %r9b,%ebx
  400ae5: 89 dd                   mov    %ebx,%ebp
  400ae7: 29 f5                   sub    %esi,%ebp
  400ae9: 41 89 e9                mov    %ebp,%r9d
  400aec: 41 81 e1 00 01 00 00    and    $0x100,%r9d
  400af3: 41 c1 e9 05             shr    $0x5,%r9d
  400af7: 47 8d 14 11             lea    (%r9,%r10,1),%r10d
  400afb: 41 89 e9                mov    %ebp,%r9d
  400afe: 41 c1 e9 08             shr    $0x8,%r9d
  400b02: c4 42 2b f7 c0          shrx   %r10d,%r8d,%r8d
  400b07: 41 83 e0 0f             and    $0xf,%r8d
  400b0b: 44 21 cb                and    %r9d,%ebx
  400b0e: 45 89 c3                mov    %r8d,%r11d
  400b11: 29 de                   sub    %ebx,%esi
  400b13: 5b                      pop    %rbx
  400b14: 41 29 f3                sub    %esi,%r11d
  400b17: 5d                      pop    %rbp
  400b18: 44 89 da                mov    %r11d,%edx
  400b1b: 41 c1 eb 08             shr    $0x8,%r11d
  400b1f: 81 e2 00 01 00 00       and    $0x100,%edx
  400b25: 45 21 d8                and    %r11d,%r8d
  400b28: c1 ea 06                shr    $0x6,%edx
  400b2b: 44 29 c6                sub    %r8d,%esi
  400b2e: 46 8d 0c 12             lea    (%rdx,%r10,1),%r9d
  400b32: c4 e2 33 f7 c9          shrx   %r9d,%ecx,%ecx
  400b37: 83 e1 03                and    $0x3,%ecx
  400b3a: 41 89 c8                mov    %ecx,%r8d
  400b3d: 41 29 f0                sub    %esi,%r8d
  400b40: 44 89 c0                mov    %r8d,%eax
  400b43: 41 c1 e8 08             shr    $0x8,%r8d
  400b47: 25 00 01 00 00          and    $0x100,%eax
  400b4c: 44 21 c1                and    %r8d,%ecx
  400b4f: c1 e8 07                shr    $0x7,%eax
  400b52: 29 ce                   sub    %ecx,%esi
  400b54: 42 8d 14 08             lea    (%rax,%r9,1),%edx
  400b58: c4 e2 6b f7 c7          shrx   %edx,%edi,%eax
  400b5d: 83 e0 01                and    $0x1,%eax
  400b60: 29 f0                   sub    %esi,%eax
  400b62: 25 00 01 00 00          and    $0x100,%eax
  400b67: c1 e8 08                shr    $0x8,%eax
  400b6a: 01 d0                   add    %edx,%eax
  400b6c: c3                      retq

When compiled as a separate compilation unit, timing on this machine is difficult, because the actual operation is as fast as calling a do-nothing function (also compiled in a separate compilation unit); essentially, the calculation is done during the latencies associated with the function call.

It seems to be slightly faster than my suggestion of a binary search,

unsigned int nth_bit_set(uint32_t value, unsigned int n)
    uint32_t      mask = 0x0000FFFFu;
    unsigned int  size = 16u;
    unsigned int  base = 0u;

    if (n++ >= __builtin_popcount(value))
        return 32;

    while (size > 0) {
        const unsigned int  count = __builtin_popcount(value & mask);
        if (n > count) {
            base += size;
            size >>= 1;
            mask |= mask << size;
        } else {
            size >>= 1;
            mask >>= size;

    return base;

where the loop is executed exactly five times, compiling to

00400ba0 <nth_bit_set>:
  400ba0: 83 c6 01                add    $0x1,%esi
  400ba3: 31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
  400ba5: b9 10 00 00 00          mov    $0x10,%ecx
  400baa: ba ff ff 00 00          mov    $0xffff,%edx
  400baf: 45 31 db                xor    %r11d,%r11d
  400bb2: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00       nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
  400bb8: 41 89 c9                mov    %ecx,%r9d
  400bbb: 41 89 f8                mov    %edi,%r8d
  400bbe: 41 d0 e9                shr    %r9b
  400bc1: 41 21 d0                and    %edx,%r8d
  400bc4: c4 62 31 f7 d2          shlx   %r9d,%edx,%r10d
  400bc9: f3 45 0f b8 c0          popcnt %r8d,%r8d
  400bce: 41 09 d2                or     %edx,%r10d
  400bd1: 44 38 c6                cmp    %r8b,%sil
  400bd4: 41 0f 46 cb             cmovbe %r11d,%ecx
  400bd8: c4 e2 33 f7 d2          shrx   %r9d,%edx,%edx
  400bdd: 41 0f 47 d2             cmova  %r10d,%edx
  400be1: 01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax
  400be3: 44 89 c9                mov    %r9d,%ecx
  400be6: 45 84 c9                test   %r9b,%r9b
  400be9: 75 cd                   jne    400bb8 <nth_bit_set+0x18>
  400beb: c3                      retq   

as in, not more than 31 cycles in 95% of calls to the binary search version, compared to not more than 28 cycles in 95% of calls to the bit-hack version; both run within 28 cycles in 50% of the cases. (The loop version takes up to 56 cycles in 95% of calls, up to 37 cycles median.)

To determine which one is better in actual real-world code, one would have to do a proper benchmark within the real-world task; at least with current x86-64 architecture processors, the work done is easily hidden in latencies incurred elsewhere (like function calls).

My answer is mostly based on this implementation of a 64bit word select method (Hint: Look only at the MARISA_USE_POPCNT, MARISA_X64, MARISA_USE_SSE3 codepaths):

It works in two steps, first selecting the byte containing the n-th set bit and then using a lookup table inside the byte:

  • Extract the lower and higher nibbles for every byte (bitmasks 0xF, 0xF0, shift the higher nibbles down)
  • Replace the nibble values by their popcount (_mm_shuffle_epi8 with A000120)
  • Sum the popcounts of the lower and upper nibbles (Normal SSE addition) to get byte popcounts
  • Compute the prefix sum over all byte popcounts (multiplication with 0x01010101...)
  • Propagate the position n to all bytes (SSE broadcast or again multiplication with 0x01010101...)
  • Do a bytewise comparison (_mm_cmpgt_epi8 leaves 0xFF in every byte smaller than n)
  • Compute the byte offset by doing a popcount on the result

Now we know which byte contains the bit and a simple byte lookup table like in grek40's answer suffices to get the result.

Note however that I have not really benchmarked this result against other implementations, only that I have seen it to be quite efficient (and branchless)

I cant see a method without a loop, what springs to mind would be;

int set = 0;
int pos = 0;
while(set < n) {
   if((bits & 0x01) == 1) set++;
   bits = bits >> 1;

after which, pos would hold the position of the nth lowest-value set bit.

The only other thing that I can think of would be a divide and conquer approach, which might yield O(log(n)) rather than O(n)...but probably not.

Edit: you said any behaviour, so non-termination is ok, right? :P

def bitN (l: Long, i: Int) : Long = {
  def bitI (l: Long, i: Int) : Long = 
    if (i == 0) 1L else 
    2 * { 
      if (l % 2 == 0) bitI (l / 2, i) else bitI (l /2, i-1) 
  bitI (l, i) / 2

A recursive method (in scala). Decrement i, the position, if a modulo2 is 1. While returning, multiply by 2. Since the multiplication is invoced as last operation, it is not tail recursive, but since Longs are of known size in advance, the maximum stack is not too big.

scala> n.toBinaryString.replaceAll ("(.{8})", "$1 ")
res117: java.lang.String = 10110011 11101110 01011110 01111110 00111101 11100101 11101011 011000

scala> bitN (n, 40) .toBinaryString.replaceAll ("(.{8})", "$1 ")
res118: java.lang.String = 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000


After giving it some thought and using the __builtin_popcount function, I figured it might be better to decide on the relevant byte and then compute the whole result instead of incrementally adding/subtracting numbers. Here is an updated version:

int GetBitAtPosition(unsigned i, unsigned n)
    unsigned bitCount;

    bitCount = __builtin_popcount(i & 0x00ffffff);
    if (bitCount <= n)
        return (24 + LUT_BitPosition[i >> 24][n - bitCount]);

    bitCount = __builtin_popcount(i & 0x0000ffff);
    if (bitCount <= n)
        return (16 + LUT_BitPosition[(i >> 16) & 0xff][n - bitCount]);

    bitCount = __builtin_popcount(i & 0x000000ff);
    if (bitCount <= n)
        return (8 + LUT_BitPosition[(i >> 8) & 0xff][n - bitCount]);

    return LUT_BitPosition[i & 0xff][n];

I felt like creating a LUT based solution where the number is inspected in byte-chunks, however, the LUT for the n-th bit position grew quite large (256*8) and the LUT-free version that was discussed in the comments might be better.

Generally the algorithm would look like this:

unsigned i = 0x000006B5;
unsigned n = 4;
unsigned result = 0;
unsigned bitCount;
while (i)
    bitCount = LUT_BitCount[i & 0xff];
    if (n < bitCount)
        result += LUT_BitPosition[i & 0xff][n];
        break; // found
        n -= bitCount;
        result += 8;
        i >>= 8;

Might be worth to unroll the loop into its up to 4 iterations to get the best performance on 32 bit numbers.

The LUT for bitcount (could be replaced by __builtin_popcount):

unsigned LUT_BitCount[] = {
    0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, // 0-7

    1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, // 8-15

    1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, // 16-23
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 24-31

    1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, // 32-39
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 40-47
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 48-55
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 56-63

    1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, // 64-71
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 72-79
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 80-87
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 88-95
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 96-103
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 104-111
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 112-119
    4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, // 120-127

    1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, // 128
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 136
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 144
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 152
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 160
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 168
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 176
    4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, // 184
    2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, // 192
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 200
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 208
    4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, // 216
    3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, // 224
    4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, // 232
    4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, // 240
    5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8, // 248-255

The LUT for bit position within a byte:

unsigned LUT_BitPosition[][8] = {
    // 0-7

    // 8-15

    // 16-31

    // 32-63

    // 64-127

    // 128-255

My approach is to calculate the population count for each 8-bit quarters of the 32-bit integer in parallel, then find which quarter contains the nth bit. The population count of quarters that are lower than the found one can be summarized as the initial value of later calculation.

After that count set bits one-by-one until the n is reached. Without branches and using an incomplete implementation of population count algorithm, my example is the following:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    uint32_t n = 10, test = 3124375902u; /* 10111010001110100011000101011110 */
    uint32_t index, popcnt, quarter = 0, q_popcnt;

    /* count set bits of each quarter of 32-bit integer in parallel */
    q_popcnt = test - ((test >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    q_popcnt = (q_popcnt & 0x33333333) + ((q_popcnt >> 2) & 0x33333333);
    q_popcnt = (q_popcnt + (q_popcnt >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;

    popcnt = q_popcnt;

    /* find which quarters can be summarized and summarize them */
    quarter += (n + 1 >= (q_popcnt & 0xff));
    quarter += (n + 1 >= ((q_popcnt += q_popcnt >> 8) & 0xff));
    quarter += (n + 1 >= ((q_popcnt += q_popcnt >> 16) & 0xff));
    quarter += (n + 1 >= ((q_popcnt += q_popcnt >> 24) & 0xff));

    popcnt &= (UINT32_MAX >> (8 * quarter));
    popcnt = (popcnt * 0x01010101) >> 24;

    /* find the index of nth bit in quarter where it should be */
    index = 8 * quarter;
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);
    index += ((popcnt += (test >> index) & 1) <= n);

    printf("index = %u\n", index);
    return 0;

A simple approach which uses loops and conditionals can be the following as well:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    uint32_t n = 11, test = 3124375902u; /* 10111010001110100011000101011110 */
    uint32_t popcnt = 0, index = 0;
    while(popcnt += ((test >> index) & 1), popcnt <= n && ++index < 32);

    printf("index = %u\n", index);
    return 0;

I know the question asks for something faster than a loop, but a complicated loop-less answer is likely to take longer than a quick loop.

If the computer has 32 bit ints and v is a random value then it might have for example 16 ones and if we are looking for a random place among the 16 ones, we might typically be looking for the 8th one. 7 or 8 times round a loop with just a couple of statements isn't too bad.

int findNthBit(unsigned int n, int v)
    int next;
    if (n > __builtin_popcount(v)) return 0;
    while (next = v&v-1, --n) 
        v = next;
    return v ^ next;

The loop works by removing the lowest set bit (n-1) times. The n'th one bit that would be removed is the one bit we were looking for.

If anybody wants to test this ....

#include "stdio.h"
#include "assert.h"

// function here

int main() {
    assert(findNthBit(1, 0)==0);
    assert(findNthBit(1, 0xf0f)==1<<0);
    assert(findNthBit(2, 0xf0f)==1<<1);
    assert(findNthBit(3, 0xf0f)==1<<2);
    assert(findNthBit(4, 0xf0f)==1<<3);
    assert(findNthBit(5, 0xf0f)==1<<8);
    assert(findNthBit(6, 0xf0f)==1<<9);
    assert(findNthBit(7, 0xf0f)==1<<10);
    assert(findNthBit(8, 0xf0f)==1<<11);
    assert(findNthBit(9, 0xf0f)==0);
    printf("looks good\n");

If there are concerns about the number of times the loop is executed, for example if the function is regularly called with large values of n, its simple to add an extra line or two of the following form

if (n > 8) return findNthBit(n-__builtin_popcount(v&0xff), v>>8)  << 8;


 if (n > 12) return findNthBit(n - __builtin_popcount(v&0xfff),  v>>12) << 12;

The idea here is that the n'th one will never be located in the bottom n-1 bits. A better version clears not only the bottom 8 or 12 bits, but all the bottom (n-1) bits when n is large-ish and we don't want to loop that many times.

if (n > 7) return findNthBit(n - __builtin_popcount(v & ((1<<(n-1))-1)), v>>(n-1)) << (n-1);

I tested this with findNthBit(20, 0xaf5faf5f) and after clearing out the bottom 19 bits because the answer wasn't to be found there, it looked for the 5th bit in the remaining bits by looping 4 times to remove 4 ones.

So an improved version is

int findNthBit(unsigned int n, int v)
    int next;
    if (n > __builtin_popcount(v)) return 0;
    if (n > 7) return findNthBit(n - __builtin_popcount(v & ((1<<(n-1))-1)), v>>(n-1)) << (n-1);
    while (next = v&v-1, --n) 
        v = next;
    return v ^ next;

The value 7, limiting looping is chosen fairly arbitrarily as a compromise between limiting looping and limiting recursion. The function could be further improved by removing recursion and keeping track of a shift amount instead. I may try this if I get some peace from home schooling my daughter!

Here is a final version with the recursion removed by keeping track of the number of low order bits shifted out from the bottom of the bits being searched.

Final version

int findNthBit(unsigned int n, int v)
    int shifted = 0; // running total
    int nBits;       // value for this iteration

    // handle no solution
    if (n > __builtin_popcount(v)) return 0;

    while (n > 7) 
        // for large n shift out lower n-1 bits from v. 
        nBits = n-1;
        n -= __builtin_popcount(v & ((1<<nBits)-1));
        v >>= nBits;
        shifted += nBits;

    int next;
    // n is now small, clear out n-1 bits and return the next bit
    // v&(v-1): a well known software trick to remove the lowest set bit.
    while (next = v&(v-1), --n) 
        v = next;
    return (v ^ next) << shifted;

Building on the answer given by Jukka Suomela, which uses a machine-specific instruction that may not necessarily be available, it is also possible to write a function that does exactly the same thing as _pdep_u64 without any machine dependencies. It must loop over the set bits in one of the arguments, but can still be described as a constexpr function for C++11.

constexpr inline uint64_t deposit_bits(uint64_t x, uint64_t mask, uint64_t b, uint64_t res) {
    return mask != 0 ? deposit_bits(x, mask & (mask - 1), b << 1, ((x & b) ? (res | (mask & (-mask))) : res)) : res;

constexpr inline uint64_t nthset(uint64_t x, unsigned n)  {
    return deposit_bits(1ULL << n, x, 1, 0);

Based on a method by Juha Järvi published in the famous Bit Twiddling Hacks, I tested this implementation where n and i are used as in the question:

    a = i - (i >> 1 & 0x55555555);
    b = (a & 0x33333333) + (a >> 2 & 0x33333333);
    c = b + (b >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f;

    r = n + 1;
    s = 0;
    t = c + (c >> 8) & 0xff;

    if (r > t) {
        s += 16;
        r -= t;

    t = c >> s & 0xf;

    if (r > t) {
        s += 8;
        r -= t;

    t = b >> s & 0x7;

    if (r > t) {
        s += 4;
        r -= t;

    t = a >> s & 0x3;

    if (r > t) {
        s += 2;
        r -= t;

    t = i >> s & 0x1;

    if (r > t)

    return (s);

Based on my own tests, this is about as fast as the loop on x86, whereas it is 20% faster on arm64 and probably a lot faster on arm due to the fast conditional instructions, but I can't test this right now.

PDEP solution is great, but some languages like Java do not contain this intrinsic yet, however, are efficient in the other low-level operations. So I came up with the following fall back for such cases: a branchless binary search.

// n must be using 0-based indexing.
// This method produces correct results only if n is smaller
// than the number of set bits.
public static int getNthSetBit(long mask64, int n) {
    // Binary search without branching
    int base = 0;
    final int low32 = (int) mask64;
    final int high32n = n - Integer.bitCount(low32);
    final int inLow32 = high32n >>> 31;
    final int inHigh32 = inLow32 ^ 1;
    final int shift32 = inHigh32 << 5;
    final int mask32 = (int) (mask64 >>> shift32);
    n = ((-inLow32) & n) | ((-inHigh32) & high32n);
    base += shift32;

    final int low16 = mask32 & 0xffff;
    final int high16n = n - Integer.bitCount(low16);
    final int inLow16 = high16n >>> 31;
    final int inHigh16 = inLow16 ^ 1;
    final int shift16 = inHigh16 << 4;
    final int mask16 = (mask32 >>> shift16) & 0xffff;
    n = ((-inLow16) & n) | ((-inHigh16) & high16n);
    base += shift16;

    final int low8 = mask16 & 0xff;
    final int high8n = n - Integer.bitCount(low8);
    final int inLow8 = high8n >>> 31;
    final int inHigh8 = inLow8 ^ 1;
    final int shift8 = inHigh8 << 3;
    final int mask8 = (mask16 >>> shift8) & 0xff;
    n = ((-inLow8) & n) | ((-inHigh8) & high8n);
    base += shift8;

    final int low4 = mask8 & 0xf;
    final int high4n = n - Integer.bitCount(low4);
    final int inLow4 = high4n >>> 31;
    final int inHigh4 = inLow4 ^ 1;
    final int shift4 = inHigh4 << 2;
    final int mask4 = (mask8 >>> shift4) & 0xf;
    n = ((-inLow4) & n) | ((-inHigh4) & high4n);
    base += shift4;

    final int low2 = mask4 & 3;
    final int high2n = n - (low2 >> 1) - (low2 & 1);
    final int inLow2 = high2n >>> 31;
    final int inHigh2 = inLow2 ^ 1;
    final int shift2 = inHigh2 << 1;
    final int mask2 = (mask4 >>> shift2) & 3;
    n = ((-inLow2) & n) | ((-inHigh2) & high2n);
    base += shift2;

    // For the 2 bits remaining, we can take a shortcut
    return base + (n | ((mask2 ^ 1) & 1));


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