I have a table called 'projects', that has a column called project_title Below is the sql code. I did all of this in cake by the way. I can show you my cake code as well as the sql query generated below.
function search()
if (!empty($this->data)):
$keywords = Array();
$keywords['categories'] = array();
$categories = $this->data['Project']['ProjectCategory'];
foreach($categories as $category):
$keywords['categories'][] = $category;
$queries = str_replace(",", "",$this->data['Project']['query']);
$keywords['project_title'] = explode(" ", $queries);
$nq = '';
foreach($keywords as $key =>$value)
if($key == 'project_title'):
foreach($value as $q):
$nq[] = array('Project.project_title LIKE'=>"%$q%");
elseif($key == 'categories'):
foreach($value as $q):
$nq[] = array('Category.id'=>"$q");
$final = array("OR"=>$nq);
$joins = '';//array('table'=>'users','alias'=>'User','type' =>
//'LEFT','conditions'=>'User.id = Project.user_id');
$options = array('conditions'=>$final);
$projects = $this->Project->ProjectCategory->find('all',$options);
This query is generated:
SELECT * FROM `project_categories` AS `ProjectCategory`
LEFT JOIN `projects` AS `Project`
ON (`ProjectCategory`.`project_id` = `Project`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `categories` AS `Category`
ON (`ProjectCategory`.`category_id` = `Category`.`id`)
WHERE `Project`.`project_title` LIKE '%test%'
as you can see, I am joining 2 other tables. But is resides here
WHERE `Project`.`project_title` LIKE '%test%'
In projects, I have 3 records that have the word test under project title. I will list them below
Ryans Test Project
Ryans Test Project 2
Test project #2
Money Aint A Thang
I receive no errors, I just get a zero result.
What's wrong?Are you using a case-sensitive collation on the project_title
column? If so, that would explain why searching for test
doesn't match rows that contain Test