I need to retrieve list values from a map of type Map<String,List<HashMap<String, Object>>>
in JSP based on a condition. The condition is to compare map key with formbean variable. Rightnow, I am doing multi level iterations. Firstly, I am iterating the map to retrieve key and an inner iterate loop to retrieve list values.
So far, I have like this
<c:forEach items="${addRatingExceptionForm.ratingsMap}" var="entry">
<c:set var="key" value="${entry.key}"/>
<jsp:useBean id="key" type="java.lang.String" />
<c:if test= '<%= key.equalsIgnoreCase(addRatingExceptionForm.getRatingElementDropdown()) %> ' >
<c:forEach items="${entry.value}" var="item">
<input type="checkbox" id="addRatingException_timeline_earlyAsn" value="${it开发者_运维技巧em.RatingInstanceValue}" class="ajaxContentTrigger method_Load_exceptionType ajaxLoadingTrigger|addRatingException_exceptionType clearErrors"/>
<label for="addRatingException_timeline_earlyAsn">${item.RatingInstanceValue}</p></label>
But it errors on the <c:if>
You don't need to iterate over the map to compare keys. You just have to use the brace notation []
to get a map value by a dynamic key like so ${map[key]}
So, this should do:
<c:forEach items="${addRatingExceptionForm.ratingsMap[addRatingExceptionForm.ratingElementDropdown]}" var="item">
<input type="checkbox" id="addRatingException_timeline_earlyAsn" value="${item.RatingInstanceValue}" class="ajaxContentTrigger method_Load_exceptionType ajaxLoadingTrigger|addRatingException_exceptionType clearErrors" />
<label for="addRatingException_timeline_earlyAsn">${item.RatingInstanceValue}</p></label> <!-- wtf is that </p> doing there? -->