Today I installed the latest version of Eclipse, Android SDK and AVD plugin. But I have a tedious problem. When I want to quit the emulator (with the X button), the emulator freezes and I can't click anything there anymore. Obviously it has something to do with the sound, because when I execute "pulseaudio -k" in console, the emulator quits. Due to this fact, I tried the following to let the emulator at least run properly:
In Preferences->Android->Launch -> Default Emulator option -> -noaudio
Run Configuration -> Android Application -> [Application] -> Target -> Addidtional Emulator Command Line Options -> -noaudio
But nothing helps. Emulator stays frozen. Actually I want audio to run, but switching it off doesn't work either. So what can 开发者_开发问答I do?
I replied on the issue, but just if interested:
you may need to disable audio output instead, this is not desirable for me, so just select alsa (or esd/oss) by setting environment variable
Looks like there is no way to specify audio drivers in hardware.ini so the best solution is going to sdk tools directory, rename emulator in emulator.real and make a shell script named emulator containing:
export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=alsa
exec $(dirname $0)/emulator.real $*
then chmod 755 emulator
It's this problem described here:
There is a workaround so that you can quit the emulator: Set in your virtual devices "Audio Playback Support" and "Audio recording support" to "no".