I have a problem that I have two spinners, second spinner is dependent on first (means when I select a item from 1st Spinner then according to that Second Spinner gets filled). But the problem is, I want Select Keyword as a default Item for both spinners, and when I will click on that, spinner should filled with parsed Info and when I will select an Item from first Spinner then the Parsing starts for Second Spinner but Spinner remains with default Select Keyword, when I will click on second spinner then it should be filled by the parsed Info.
How can I implement this, because开发者_如何学JAVA when I am setting the adapter in any spinners its onItemSelectedListner first called, which is not desirable.
You will need to add "Select" as your first item in your array list.. and on click event of the Spinner you just remove the First item from your array list
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You Can do this by Dialog, make a Customize dialog with List Box and fill the list with parsed data after click on TextBox which contains Select Keyword as a default.