I'd like to upload files on my server and name them according to their contents. This should be simple (it is in python), but I am having a hard time figuring out how to do it in Node.js.
I am using express and connect-form, which really just uses formidable. I also see that node has a library called crypto that is very similar to python's h开发者_如何学Pythonashlib. Now I just need to understand how to stream the temp file connect-form gives me and hash it.
This is a Python/Flask(ish) implementation of what I'd like to do.
import hashlib
from Flask import request
def upload():
file = request.files['file']
hash = hashlib.sha256()
name, ext = file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)
for chunk in file.chunks()
new_name = "%s.%s" % (hash.hexdigest(),ext)
file.save(os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, new_name))
I have seen a lot of these toy answers that just print out the file's name, but none that actually read and write the data.
Here it is in coffee-script in all its glory.
app.post '/upload', (request, response, next) ->
request.form.complete (error, fields, files) ->
if error
next error
file = files.file
[kind, extension] = file.type.split '/'
hash = crypto.createHash 'sha256'
stream = fs.createReadStream file.path,
stream.addListener 'data', (chunk) ->
hash.update chunk
stream.addListener 'close', ->
digest = hash.digest 'hex'
new_filename = "#{digest}.#{extension}"
new_path = "#{UPLOAD_DIR}/#{new_filename}"
fs.rename file.path, new_path
response.end new_filename
Rather than hacking the hash calculation into formidable, which would likely be more efficient but far more complicated, I opted to just re-read the file from its temporary location and hash that. Then instead of pumping it like in other examples, I just renamed the temp file into its new location.
you can save a file like this:
var fs = require('fs'),
util = require('util'),
crypto = require('crypto');
// ...
req.form.complete(function (err, fields, files) {
// ...
var ext = files['content[media]']['filename'].split('.');
ext = ext[ext.length-1];
ext = ext.toLowerCase();
var newFileName = req['connection']['remoteAddress'] + req['connection']['remotePort'] + Date.now();
newFileName = crypto.createHash('md5').update(newFileName).digest("hex");
newFileName += '.' + ext;
var is = fs.createReadStream(files['content[media]']['path']);
var os = fs.createWriteStream(app.set('dataDir') + '/' + newFileName);
// copy file to public folder
util.pump(is, os, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error copying file to public ... " + error);
else {
// delete temp file