I'm doing a sort of login page for my website which I'm just testing right now, and this code is after the login. The thing is, I want to retrieve some information from my database, but the code doesn't work (it doesn't echo anything). I checked that the MySQL query is fine and it works, but there is no result in the PHP.
Please I would be happy for any help and answers,
//---MySQL connection---//
$server = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "password";
$db = "users";
$table = "users";
mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());
//---MySQL query, data selection---//
$sesuser = $_SESSION['username'];
$sql = "SELECT data FROM $table WHERE username='$sesuser'";
$predata = mysql_query($sql);
$data = mysql_fetch_field($predata);
//---Check if session is registered---//
echo "\n"开发者_运维知识库."Hello ".$_SESSION["username"]."<br />";
echo $data; //!!this line doesn't work
echo "<script>window.location=/login/</script>";
put session_start()
at the top or just before you use $_SESSION
one more thing : The function session_is_registered
has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.
better way
//---MySQL query, data selection---//
$sesuser = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['username']);
$sql = "SELECT data FROM $table WHERE username='$sesuser'";
$predata = mysql_query($sql);
$data = mysql_fetch_field($predata);
//---Check if session is registered---//
echo "\n"."Hello ".htmlentities($_SESSION["username"])."<br />";
echo $data;
header("Location :"login.php");
- What is says?
And YES, but session_start
at begining of file;
And try(via php):
$i = 0;
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) {
echo "Information for column $i:<br />\n";
$meta = mysql_fetch_field($result, $i);
if (!$meta) {
echo "No information available<br />\n";
echo "<pre>
blob: $meta->blob
max_length: $meta->max_length
multiple_key: $meta->multiple_key
name: $meta->name
not_null: $meta->not_null
numeric: $meta->numeric
primary_key: $meta->primary_key
table: $meta->table
type: $meta->type
unique_key: $meta->unique_key
unsigned: $meta->unsigned
zerofill: $meta->zerofill
And if you change mysql_fetch_field
to mysql_fetch_row
you would be able to reach your data over: $data[0];
Basically there is an object returned in $data and you can echo it like $data->name