I would appreciate any help, to understand following behavior when slicing a lil_matrix (A) from the scipy.sparse package.
Actually, I would like to extract a submatrix based on an arbitrary index list for both rows and columns.
When I used this two lines of code:
x1 = A[list 1,:]
x2 = x1[:,list 2]
Everything was fine and I could extract the right submatrix.
When I tried to do this in one line, it failed (The returning matrix was empty)
x=A[list 1,list 2]
Why is this so? Overall, I have used a similar command in matlab and there it works. So, why not use the first, since it works? It seems to be q开发者_Go百科uite time consuming. Since I have to go through a large amount of entries, I would like to speed it up using a single command. Maybe I use the wrong sparse matrix type...Any idea?
The method you are already using,
A[list1, :][:, list2]
seems to be the fastest way to select the desired values from a spares matrix. See below for a benchmark.
However, to answer your question about how to select values from arbitrary rows and columns of A
with a single index,
you would need to use so-called "advanced indexing":
A[np.array(list1)[:,np.newaxis], np.array(list2)]
With advanced indexing, if arr1
and arr2
are NDarrays, the (i,j)
component of A[arr1, arr2]
A[arr1[i,j], arr2[i,j]]
Thus you would want arr1[i,j]
to equal list1[i]
for all j
, and
to equal list2[j]
for all i
That can be arranged with the help of broadcasting (see below) by setting
arr1 = np.array(list1)[:,np.newaxis]
, and arr2 = np.array(list2)
The shape of arr1
is (len(list1), 1)
while the shape of arr2
(len(list2), )
which broadcasts to (1, len(list2))
since new axes are added
on the left automatically when needed.
Each array can be further broadcasted to shape (len(list1),len(list2))
This is exactly what we want for
to make sense, since we want (i,j)
to run over all possible indices for a result array of shape (len(list1),len(list2))
Here is a microbenchmark for one test case which suggests that A[list1, :][:, list2]
is the fastest option:
In [32]: %timeit orig(A, list1, list2)
10 loops, best of 3: 110 ms per loop
In [34]: %timeit using_listener(A, list1, list2)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.29 s per loop
In [33]: %timeit using_advanced_indexing(A, list1, list2)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.8 s per loop
Here is the setup I used for the benchmark:
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import random
def setup(N):
A = sparse.rand(N, N, .1, format='lil')
list1 = np.random.choice(N, size=N//10, replace=False).tolist()
list2 = np.random.choice(N, size=N//20, replace=False).tolist()
return A, list1, list2
def orig(A, list1, list2):
return A[list1, :][:, list2]
def using_advanced_indexing(A, list1, list2):
B = A.tocsc() # or `.tocsr()`
B = B[np.array(list1)[:, np.newaxis], np.array(list2)]
return B
def using_listener(A, list1, list2):
"""https://stackoverflow.com/a/26592783/190597 (listener)"""
B = A.tocsr()[list1, :].tocsc()[:, list2]
return B
N = 10000
A, list1, list2 = setup(N)
B = orig(A, list1, list2)
C = using_advanced_indexing(A, list1, list2)
D = using_listener(A, list1, list2)
assert np.allclose(B.toarray(), C.toarray())
assert np.allclose(B.toarray(), D.toarray())
for me the solution from unutbu works well, but is slow.
I found as a fast alternative,
A = B.tocsr()[np.array(list1),:].tocsc()[:,np.array(list2)]
You can see that row'S and col's get cut separately, but each one converted to the fastest sparse format, to get index this time.
In my test environment this code is 1000 times faster than the other one.
I hope, I don't tell something wrong or make a mistake.
Simultaneous indexing as in B[arr1, arr2]
does work and it's faster than listener's solution on my machine. See In [5]
in the Jupyter example below. To compare it with the mentioned answer refer to In [6]
. Furthermore, my solution doesn't need the .tocsc()
conversion, making it more readable IMO.
Please note that for B[arr1, arr2]
to work, arr1
and arr2
must be broadcastable numpy arrays.
A much faster solution, however, is using B[list1][:, list2]
as pointed out by unutbu. See In [7]
In [1]: from scipy import sparse
: import numpy as np
In [2]: B = sparse.rand(1000, 1000, .1, format='lil')
: list1=[1,4,6,8]
: list2=[2,4]
In [3]: arr1 = np.array(list1)[:, None] # make arr1 a (n x 1)-array
: arr1
In [4]: arr2 = np.array(list2)[None, :] # make arr2 a (1 x m)-array
: arr2
Out[4]: array([[2, 4]])
In [5]: %timeit A = B.tocsr()[arr1, arr2]
100 loops, best of 3: 13.1 ms per loop
In [6]: %timeit A = B.tocsr()[np.array(list1),:].tocsc()[:,np.array(list2)]
100 loops, best of 3: 14.6 ms per loop
In [7]: %timeit B[list1][:, list2]
1000 loops, best of 3: 205 µs per loop
slicing happens with this syntax :
for a = array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]), the result is
array([2, 3, 4])
The first parameter of the tuple indicates the first value to be retained, and the second parameter indicates the first value not to be retained.
If you use lists on both sides, it means that your array has as many dimensions as the lists length.
So, with your syntax, you will probably need something like this :
x = A[list1,:,list2]
depending on the shape of A.
Hope it did help you.