I was given a script with different variables that are based on date and time on the top of XHTML Strict page.
$time = new DateTime();
if($time < new DateTime('2011-10-31 18:00')){
$title="Before Halloween";
}else if
Halfway through the HTML code I have a second PHP script:
function countdown($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute)
How can I echo $cb1
from the upper script into the second script so the third line looks something like countdown(echo $cb1); and updates automatically based on the upper script?
Since it is a string you will need to explode (take apart) at the comma, to create 5 variables. To do this you would use:
$cbarray = explode(",",$cb1);
Or something simalar by putting each one in a named variable.
You could try to set $cb1 as a session variable instead so you can access it from anywhere in the file.
Maybe replace:
And then your code in the second script would be: countdown($_SESSION['cb1']);