We can use reflection to get method names as follows:
object Foo { def bar(name:String, age:Int) = {} }
val foo = Foo.getClass
val 开发者_如何学运维methods = foo.getMethods.filter(_.getName.startsWith("b"))
methods.foreach(m => println(m.getName))
I now need to get the parameter types and names.
- Are the parameter names stored in the byte-code? If answer is yes, how to access them?
- If answer above is no, can we store the names somehow using annotations?
- Can someone given an example to read the types, and how to use them. I am interested only in functions having
type parameters.
[EDIT:] Java version of the solution also ok.
[EDIT:] Annotations seems to be one way to do it. However, Scala annotation support is not that good. Related SO question.
I've not tried it, but http://paranamer.codehaus.org/ is designed for this task.
Java's bytecode specification doesn't require the parameter names to be stored. However, they can sneak in via the debugging symbols (if the compiler was told to generate them). I know that the ASM bytecode library reads these symbols if they are present. See my answer to "How to get the parameter names of an object's constructors" for a Java example of finding constructor parameter names (in bytecode, constructors are just methods whose name is <init>
If debugging info is present in the classes, it can be done as follows.
I am basically using Adam Paynter's answer and copy-pasting the code from here after slight edit to get it to work in Scala.
package test
import java.io.InputStream
import java.util.ArrayList
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader
import org.objectweb.asm.Type
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LocalVariableNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode
object Util {
case class Param(paraName:String, paraType:Type)
case class ScalaMethod(name:String, returnType:Type, params:List[Param])
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
getMethods(scala.util.Random.getClass).foreach(printMethod _ )
def printMethod(m:ScalaMethod) = {
println (m.name+" => "+m.returnType.getClassName)
m.params.foreach(p =>
println (" "+ p.paraName+":"+p.paraType.getClassName))
* extracts the names, parameter names and parameter types of all methods of c
def getMethods(c:Class[_]):List[ScalaMethod] = {
val cl:ClassLoader = c.getClassLoader();
val t:Type = Type.getType(c);
val url:String = t.getInternalName() + ".class";
val is:InputStream = cl.getResourceAsStream(url);
if (is == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("""The class loader cannot
find the bytecode that defined the
class (URL: " + url + ")""");
val cn = new ClassNode();
val cr = new ClassReader(is);
cr.accept(cn, 0);
val methods = cn.methods.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[MethodNode]];
var mList:List[ScalaMethod] = Nil
if (methods.size > 0) for (i <- 1 to methods.size) {
val m:MethodNode = methods.get(i-1)
val argTypes:Array[Type] = Type.getArgumentTypes(m.desc);
val paraNames = new java.util.ArrayList[String](argTypes.length)
val vars = m.localVariables.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[LocalVariableNode]];
var pList:List[Param] = Nil
if (argTypes.length > 0) for (i <- 0 to argTypes.length) {
// The first local variable actually represents the "this" object
pList = Param(paraNames.get(i-1), argTypes(i-1)) :: pList
mList = ScalaMethod(m.name, Type.getReturnType(m.desc), pList) :: mList