I want to use Linq to extract data from an XML document and place it into a list
<FlightData DTS="20110216 17:17" flight="1234" origin="CYYZ" dest="CYUL" aircraft="945">
My Linq code in C# works - I can get attributes from the FlightData tab, but I think it could be more efficient, especially in the area of getting data from the TLDRequest tag. Can I get some insight on using best practices to get to and grab child tags?
public static List<ACARS_Phase> createAcarsPhaseObject(XDocument xDoc)
return (from ao in xDoc.Descendants("FlightData")
select new ACARS_Phase
FlightDate = DateTime.ParseExact(ao.Attribute("DTS").Value, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm", new CultureInfo("en-CA")),
FlightNumber = ao.Attribute("flight").Value,
Origin = ao.Attribute("origin").Value,
Destination = ao.Attribute("dest").Value,
InternalFinNumber = ao.Attribute("aircraft").Value,
OperatorCode = ao.Element("TLDRequest").Element("Airline").Value,
RegistrationNumber = ao.Element("TLDRequest").Element("AcReg").Value,
Wind = ao.Element("TLDRequest").Element("Wind").Value,
Flaps = ao.Element("TLDRequest").Element("Flaps").Value,
OAT = ao.Element("TLDRequest").Element("OAT").Value,
Best regards
Your query is fine, generally speaking. If you want to cut down on some of the redundancy, consider using let
to get the TLDRequest element once, so you repeat yourself a bit less.
return (from ao in xDoc.Descendants("FlightData")
let request = ao.Element("TLDRequest")
select new AcARS_Phase
// stuff
OperatorCode = request.Element("Airline").Value,
RegistrationNumber = request.Element("AcReg").Value,
// etc.