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Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this questionWhat visualization open sources or free software libraries are available for the Fortran programming language? Are there any similar to MatPlotLib for Python, for Fortran? If not, most scientists require visualization not only to generate some outputs but also to investigate data trends, which is missing in Fortran although its speed in computation is well-known.
This question is intended to discover available, or planned to be available, graphical libraries for Fortran. It is clearly not going to compare different packages among different programming languages.
The flexibility, quality of outputs, interactivity, multi-dimensionality, free/open source etc are of factors to be discovered.
Just to make this list, a bit more complete ...
- GINO Suite
- Winteracter
- NCAR (outdated)
There is also gtk-fortran.
gtk-fortran offers also an interface to PLplot (>=5.13 in the GTK 3 branch).
I think there are some libraries available, which allow you to do directly some rendering of data from Fortran, however nothing like MatPlotLib, as far as I know. Edit: Here is a short link collection:
- (maybe not exactly matching here)
But the main point of the typical Fortran application is not the visualization of the data, but its generation. Typically you produce some output file, which can then be read by gnuplot or some other visualization tool. A common data container format is for example HDF5. If there is still some need for direct visualization from within the Fortran application, you can use the ISO_C_Binding to interface with any C-Library, which should provide you with plentiful options. Still for these cases it is likely, that you will need to generate some wrapping layer around the C-API to provide an convenient usage in the Fortran application.
Free: Mjograph (2d plots only) and Veusz (2d and 3d plots)
Perhaps you can generate csv or simple space-delimited files with your Python/Compiled-Fortran code, and process using 2d plotting software like Mjograph and/or 2d/3d software like Veusz. Mjograph is only available via Mac and/or Java platform. Veusz is scriptable with Python, it was built using Python with Qt & Numpy, in fact the save file is just a plain Python script, and is comparable to gnuplot (at least in terms of ease of use). The tutorial with veusz clearly shows what the capabilities are. I like that it starts you off with the GUI, but you can wean off to pure scripting afterwards.
Mjograph: Veusz:
Veusz seems a little more natural compared to dumping data into Matlab or Mathematica. At least if you are used to pushing python and Fortran around with Bash scripts on linux.
If you insist on 3d data, I would take a second look at DISLIN, it can work quite well depending on what you need to visualize. The license is quite affordable for commericial-use. If using for academic use it's free.
Typically, a Fortran user creates massive data files then uses some 3rd party visualization software that fits the application. There are a couple of libraries that directly link to Fortran. Dislin is a fantastic one (particularly on Windows). It has a ton of documentation and once the learning curve is over you can create great GUI's as well. GnuplotFortran is an interface from Fortran to the standard gnuplot. I've yet to use it, but hear good things.
My choice would be something like PV-WAVE from Visual Numerics Inc. -- lately bought out by Rogue Wave Solutions.
This uses a big library of Fortran routines and employs its own special 4G language to speed up coding your own custom data displays.
This product is not cheap -- it was developed for applications like seismic data analysis, wind speed/direction data representation, simulation of things like airfoil flow, injection-molding cooling, stress analysis, etc -- but it is the best that I've seen. Very clear documentation, examples supplied for each library sub-program, good help guide, direct line to tech support. Leaves MatLab for dead.