I am attempting to encrypt/decrypt user names to pass between two different websites using gpg4win 2.1.0. I can get my code to work on my development machine, but not in production.
I'm developing the application with VS 2008.
I have run the GPG4Win install package, chose gnupg & kleopatra.
I've attempted to use the code found at "http://www.codeproject.com/KB/security/gnupgdotnet.aspx".
I keep getting Error Code 255 Unknown error.
The following code sample is how the GPG application is being run. The BuildOptions()
function returns the string:
--homedir "C:\Path\gnupg" --no-auto-check-trustdb --always-trust --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring "C:\Path\gnupg\secring.gpg" --keyring "C:\Path\gnupg\pubring.gpg" --yes --batch --encrypt --armor --recipient recipient@email.ca --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose
public void ExecuteCommand(string inputText, out string outputText)
outputText = "";
string gpgOptions = BuildOptions();
string gpgExecutable = GetGpgPath();
binddirectory = GetGPGInstallLocation();
// TODO check existence of _bindirectory and gpgExecutable
// Create startinfo object
ProcessStartInfo pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(gpgExecutable, gpgOptions);
pInfo.WorkingDirectory = _bindirectory;
pInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
pInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
// Redirect everything:
// stdin to send the passphrase, stdout to get encrypted message, stderr in case of errors...
pInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
pInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
pInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
_processObject = Process.Start(pInfo);
// Send pass phrase, if any
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_passphrase))
// Send input text
_outputString = "";
_errorString = "";
// Create two threads to read both output/error streams without creating a deadlock
ThreadStart outputEntry = new ThreadStart(StandardOutputReader);
Thread outputThread = new Thread(outputEntry);
ThreadStart errorEntry = new ThreadStart(StandardErrorReader);
Thread errorThread = new Thread(errorEntry);
if (_processObject.WaitForExit(ProcessTimeOutMilliseconds))
// Process exited before timeout...
开发者_运维技巧 // Wait for the threads to complete reading output/error (but use a timeout!)
if (!outputThread.Join(ProcessTimeOutMilliseconds/2))
if (!errorThread.Join(ProcessTimeOutMilliseconds/2))
// Process timeout: PGP hung somewhere... kill it (as well as the threads!)
_outputString = "";
_errorString = "Timed out after " + ProcessTimeOutMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds";
if (outputThread.IsAlive)
if (errorThread.IsAlive)
// Check results and prepare output
_exitcode = _processObject.ExitCode;
if (_exitcode == 0)
outputText = _outputString;
if (_errorString == "")
_errorString = "GPGNET: [" + _processObject.ExitCode.ToString() + "]: Unknown error";
throw new GnuPGException(_errorString);
I was able to resolve my issue by creating a user for the app pool identity to run as and set the necessary permissions to access the keyring/gpg program.