To use GWT 2.4.0 RequestFactory, you have to run request factory validation tool. Otherwise, it just won't work. [Google says][1], that it's enough just to add 2 plugins to pom.xml:
<!-- requestfactory-apt runs an annotation processor (APT) to
instrument its service interfaces so that
RequestFactoryServer can decode client requests. Normally
you would just have a dependency on requestfactor开发者_如何学JAVAy-apt
with <scope>provided</scope>, but that won't work in
eclipse due to m2e bug -->
<!-- Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) won't see the source
generated above by requestfactory-apt unless it is exposed
as an additional source dir-->
The problem is, I have quite a complicated server-side code that uses AOP, so when validation tool is ran against that code, it fails because "there's no method xxx()", "class xxx doesn't implement interface yyy", etc.
So, my question is, is it possible to fix this issue on pom.xml level, rather then moving all AOP code into separate project that will be compiled separately?
Solved by moving all AOPed code to another project.