I am considering writing a REST Server using Clojure.
I have experience using RESTEasy with Java. It uses annotations to associate URLs, template parameters, and query parameters with Java classes, 开发者_JAVA技巧methods, and method parameters. I believe that the Jersey REST Server also uses annotations (since it, too, is based on JAX-RS).
Is it possible to use these frameworks with Clojure? Is there an official way to associate annotations with functions?
I found the answer in the forth-coming book "Clojure Programming", by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand.
If you define a new type with deftype
, you can add annotations the newly created class:
(ns my.resources
(:import (javax.ws.rs Path PathParam Produces GET)))
(definterface PersonService
(getPerson [^Integer id]))
(deftype ^{Path "/people/{id}"} PersonResource []
(^{GET true
Produces ["text/plain"]}
[this ^{PathParam "id"} id]
; blah blah blah
I'm not sure if this will work with gen-class
. I'll need to experiment.