When I resize an image keeping $config['create_thumb'] = true
Codeigniter adds the string "_thumb" in the end of the name of resized image.
What I want ask is, is it possible to add the suffix "_thumb" in the beginning of the image name
example: original_name.jpg
after resizing: original_name_thumb.jpg
What I want: thumb_original_name.jpg
Any开发者_如何学JAVA kind of help is appreciated!
You can try this:
$data = $this->upload->data();
$config['create_thumb'] = false;
$config['new_image'] = 'thumb_'.$data['file_name'];
And if you have other problems with CI image manipulation library, maybe you can try ImageMoo.
If u don't want to add the suffix _thumb in thumbnail file name then
use $config['thumb_marker'] = false;
this can be achieved by following way
$data = $this->upload->data();
$config['create_thumb'] = false;
$config['new_image'] = 'thumb_'.$data['file_name'];
for more information about re-size image check out following Code.
function special_resize($oldFile, $width, $height) { $obj =& get_instance();
$info = pathinfo($oldFile); out($info); $tempFile = '/public/files/files/temp/' . $info['filename'] . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.' . $info['extension']; $newFile = '/public/files/files/cache/' . $info['filename'] . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.' . $info['extension']; //if image already exists, use it if(file_exists('.' .$newFile)) return $newFile; //math for resize/crop without loss $o_size = _get_size( '/' . $info['dirname'] . '/' . $info['basename']); $master_dim = ($o_size['width']-$width < $o_size['height']-$height?'width':'height'); $perc = max( (100*$width)/$o_size['width'] , (100*$height)/$o_size['height'] ); $perc = round($perc, 0); $w_d = round(($perc*$o_size['width'])/100, 0); $h_d = round(($perc*$o_size['height'])/100, 0); // end math stuff /* * Resize image */ $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config['source_image'] = $oldFile; $config['new_image'] = '.' . $tempFile; $config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE; $config['master_dim'] = $master_dim; $config['width'] = $w_d + 1; $config['height'] = $h_d + 1; $obj->image_lib->initialize($config); $obj->image_lib->resize(); $size = _get_size($tempFile); unset($config); // clear $config /* * Crop image in weight, height */ $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config['source_image'] = '.' . $tempFile; $config['new_image'] = '.' . $newFile; $config['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE; $config['width'] = $width; $config['height'] = $height; $config['y_axis'] = round(($size['height'] - $height) / 2); $config['x_axis'] = 0; $obj->image_lib->clear(); $obj->image_lib->initialize($config); if ( ! $obj->image_lib->crop()) { echo $obj->image_lib->display_errors(); } $info = pathinfo($newFile); out($info); return $newFile; }