Hi I need to add some content which would be clear on click in the given bel开发者_高级运维ow textarea.
Not able to find the answer, please help me
<tr><td><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '60', '5'); ?></td></tr>
If I understand you properly, you want to display some text in your textarea, which will disappear when user moves focus to that textarea.
If you're using html5 it will be a simple task - just add a placeholder attribute to your textarea. I do not know what kind of php sript/framework are you using, but it should look like this:
<textarea placeholder="Click me to type something"></textarea>
If not, you should use javascript to achieve this result. There are lots of available solutions, for example:
jQuery Placeholder
EDIT: I checked how the tep_draw_textarea_field function works, for html5 code you should use:
<?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '60', '5', '', 'placeholder="Click me"'); ?>