I am a newbie in Windows batch scripting. I have a question though.
In Windows batch scripting, 开发者_开发百科how will I know if a variable is a valid URL or not?
Valid URL:
Invalid URL:
url=not a valid url
You might use FINDSTR to validate your URL by matching it against a regular expression. See the answers to this Stack Overflow question Regular expressions in findstr
Basically you'll have to understand
how to use FINDSTR and its /R switch. See
how to code a regex for matching and validating URLs. Google for regex tutorial.
(http|https)://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?
and how to interpret FINDSTR results in a batch file. See
This is simple and should work in most cases:
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set URL=url to test
if not x%URL:http://=%==x%URL% goto http
if not x%URL:https://=%==x%URL% goto http
if not x%URL:ftp://=%==x%URL% goto ftp
REM else
echo invalid url!
Don't bother. Whatever you use won't be identical to whatever rules the program you're about to run uses. Just let the program decide.