I have a datastore thats has ~850 groups and ~19,000 items. Each item may belong to only one group, I have two models in my app that represent a Group and an Item:
class Group(db.Model):
Id = db.IntegerProperty()
Name = db.StringProperty()
# ... some other properties
class Item(db.Model):
Id = db.IntegerProperty()
Name = db.StringProperty()
Group = db.ReferenceProperty(Group, collection_name="groupItems")
# ... some other properties
I can use the datastore admin to view a specific item (i.e. WHERE Id = 34) and see that it is connected correctly to a Group -
This gives me a group with the following properties:
Decoded entity key: Group: id=10321
Entity key: agtzfmV2ZS1taW5lcnIMCxIFR3JvdXAY0VAM
Id: 18
If I alter my GQL query to retrieve all items for this Group I get no results! -
SELECT * FROM Item WHERE Group = KEY('agtzfmV2ZS1taW5lcnIMCxIFR3JvdXAY0VAM') -- No Results
SELECT * FROM Item WHERE Group = KEY('Group', 'agtzfmV2ZS1taW5lcnIMCxIFR3JvdXAY0VAM') -- No Results
If I retrieve just the group, it works as expected -
SELECT * FROM Group WHERE __key__ = KEY('agtzfmV2ZS1taW5lcnIMCxIFR3JvdXAY0VAM') -- Returns 1 Group
This equally applies in my Python code. Calling:
group = Group.gql("WHERE Id = :1", 18).get()
items = Item.gql("WHERE Group = :1", group).fetch(50)
results in a list containing no items. Similarly
group.groupItems.fetch(500) -- Returns no results
My question is - am I doing something particularly stupid? I have created a dummy project with a similar structure to prove to myself that it wasnt a naming problem (i.e. that Group wasn't a reserved word) and that returns just fine. (Attached if anyone is interested).
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT 1 :
As requested, here's the creation code. Reader is a csv reader (using the inbuilt csv library) which opens a CSV stored in the BLOB store. For all intents and purposes its merely parsing a CSV file. As mentioned above. In the data viewer through my dashboard my Item is bound correctly to a group (a group is listed alongside the item and I can click through it's link to vie开发者_StackOverfloww the group) however when passing the group as part of a filter to the Item no results are returned -
Group -
reader = UploaderBase().open_from_blobstore(Settings().get_group_csv_key())
upNum = 0
groupsToPut = []
for row in reader:
group = Group(Id=int(row[0]))
group.Name = row[2]
Item -
groupCache = {}
for group in Group.all().fetch(1000):
groupCache[group.Id] = group
logging.info("Cached %d group entries locally" % len(groupCache))
items = []
reader = UploaderBase().open_from_blobstore(Settings().get_items_csv_key())
upNum = 0
for row in reader:
logging.debug("Adding row %d" % upNum)
item = Item(Id=int(row[0]))
if not row[1] is None and row[1] != "":
item.Group = groupCache[int(row[1])]
item.Name = row[2]
The most likely explanation is that when you inserted the data, the reference property was set as indexed=False
. Changes to a model only affect entities written after the model was changed, so rows inserted while indexing was disabled for that column will not have index rows.