I am learning to do web development in Scala. currently trying to install the newest version of Scala/lift with sbt 0.11 in MAC OSX. I so far have already done the following:
1. Installed Scala 2.9.1 final 2. Downloaded latest sbt 0.11 from https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki/Setup 3. Setup path environment for sbtWhat I am trying to do now is getting the latest lift framework (2.4-M4)from http://liftweb.net/download so that I can try running lift_basic project on localhost:8080 using jetty. I have several questions about that;
Since on the sbt 0.11 I will have to do this:
resolvers += "Web plugin repo" at "http://siasia.github.com/maven2" addSbtPlugin("com.github.siasia" %% "xsbt-web-plugin" % "0.1.2")
instead of doing
libraryDependencies += ...
where should I put my object resolvers (checkout the following code below) that would enable me to install both the jetty and web plugin? so, under lift_basic folder should they go within Project/build/LiftProject.Scala 开发者_如何学Pythonor just delete LiftProject.scala and create Build.scala under Project/Build.scala?object Resolvers { val webPluginRepo = "Web plugin repo" at "http://siasia.github.com/maven2" val jettyRepo = "Jetty Repo" at "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/mortbay/jetty" }
object Dependencies { // web plugin val webPluginDeps = Seq( "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "6.1.26" % "jetty", // The last part is "jetty" not "test". "javax.servlet" % "servlet-api" % "2.5" % "provided->default" )
What should I do with the sbt.jar existing inside the lift_basic folder? It looks like that it has the old version of sbt there (probably 7.4.0 or so)..
Besides changing the sbt version to 0.11.0 on the Build.properties, what other changes do I need to make to accomodate this new install? Do I have to change the
var BuildScalaVersion
andvar buildVersion
on the Build.scala on the full configuration like the example https://github.com/harrah/xsbt/wiki/Full-Configuration-Example here? If yes, what would be the build version?
I am a total newbie to Scala, and there hasnt been a lot of documentations out there for installing new scala/lift version. will appreciate any pointers/references/answers that would enable me to install new version of scala/lift. Thank you for your time.
You can try to look at my project template. Maybe It will be helpful. https://github.com/viktortnk/lift-quickstart