I am trying to perform dynamic sql select where I am selecting from a table using a parameter.
SELECT null FROM @TableName
However I am getting error must declare table variable @TableName
. I suspect this is because I am selecting from a table using a variable. I have not needed to do this before.
List<SqlParameter> sqlParams = new List<SqlParameter>()
new SqlParameter("TableName", "testtable"),
new SqlParameter("FieldName", "testfield"),
new SqlParameter("Find", "testfind"),
string sqlSelect = "SELECT null FROM @TableName
WHERE @FieldName LIKE '%' + @Find + '%' ";
DataTable dtSelect = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sqlConn, CommandType.Text,
sqlSelect, 30, sqlParams.ToArray()).Tables[0];
//30 = timeout
How can I perform the above开发者_C百科 using dynamic sql? (no stored procedures please)
You cannot use parameters for things like table and column names. For those you could have a whitelist of possible values and then use string concatenation when building the SQL query.
You can't use parameters like that, so you have to build the query as a string. You could do that in SQL, but you can also just create the string in the C# code.
Make sure that the table name and field name are safe and trusted values, and doesn't come directly from an unsafe source like a web request.
string tableName = "testtable";
string fieldName = "testfield";
List<SqlParameter> sqlParams = new List<SqlParameter>() {
new SqlParameter("Find", "testfind"),
string sqlSelect =
"SELECT null " +
"FROM " + tableName + " " +
"WHERE " + fieldName + " LIKE '%' + @Find + '%' ";
private DataTable ExecuteDynamic(string TableName,string FieldName, string Find)
string sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM " + TableName +
" WHERE " + FieldName + " LIKE '%'" + Find + "'%' ";
using (connection = new SqlConnection(Strcon))
using (cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelect, connection))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandTimeout = 60;
adpt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
dt = new DataTable();
return (dt);