I have used Doxygen tool for document generation. But later on I have come to know that Apple itself provides "Documentation Set Guide".
Here is the reference link: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/Documentation_Sets/000-Introduction/introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005266-CH1-SW1
Is there anyone aware about this - how to u开发者_开发技巧se this and all? Whether it would be useful for autogenerated document creation?
Thanks in advance,
'docsets' are merely a way to package documentation and show it in XCode. Doxygen has support for docsets, see http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#featuredarticles/DoxygenXcode/_index.html and http://www.duckrowing.com/2010/03/18/documenting-objective-c-with-doxygen-part-i/ and http://www.duckrowing.com/2010/03/18/documenting-objective-c-with-doxygen-part-ii/
If you want a tool that mimics Apples output (and care less about the features provided by doxygen) you could have a look at appledoc http://www.gentlebytes.com/home/appledocapp
Apple has it's own documentation generation tool. It's called HeaderDoc.